Ring Bridge Range Extender


I wish Ring had a suggestion message line. But, I figured I could post one here.

I got the Ring bridge, and then a mailbox sensor. I have not setup any lights yet, but learned that no matter where I put my bridge, unless its in the front yard (which I will not keep there, let alone it not being waterproof), it will not have good connection – if connect at all – to my mailbox sensor (as my mailbox is at the end of my front yard). The antenna is connected and installed properly, and my (metal) mailbox has been resealed to prevent water damage.

I realized that the lights I want at my house, will be too far away from my bridge: front yard lawn around my front yard fence, and backyard around my backyard fence.

We need, like the Ring Alarm Base Station, a Ring Bridge RANGE EXTENDER!! I’d buy a bunch of those and put them around my property so that it’ll connect to all my desired lights.

Any thoughts???

Hi @TheFamilyMan. As we value our neighbors’ feedback, we’ve created a Feature Request board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. Feel free to link that post you make in the Feature Request board here so other neighbors that come to this thread can easily find your feature!