Ring Alexa Skill - Motion Snooze - Integrations Feature Request

It’s clear that nobody at Ring actually cares about it’s users. The fact that it’s now May 2023 and this is still unresolved tells you all you need to know about this company and it’s parent. Switching to another product.

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Add me the list to the people ditching Alexa, Ring or both over this issue. Seems very simple to fix.

While I agree that you should be able to say “Alexa, pause ring notifications for 1 hour”, or something like that.

This is actually pretty simple to resolve, when you’re hanging out around a camera (e.g. sitting on the front porch) you pop open the Alexa app and select the camera you want to silence, click settings and uncheck “Person Detection Announcements”. Reverse the steps to turn it back on. It takes about 5 seconds once you’ve done it a few times.

After years of being terrorized by being too lazy to mow my own lawn. Finally found the solution! :tada:

:speech_balloon:Go to Alexa app to create routine
Routine activated by saying “Ring Relax”
Action: snooze all devices for 30 minutes

:point_right:t4::point_right:t4:Here is the routine to create on your device:

You can customize as you wish. I have a focus mode set on my iPhone to do the same thing.


This is so simple that it’s genius! Thanks!!!

It’s sad that no one from Ring came up with this. A user had to. What’s even sadder, Ring still hasn’t fixed this issue properly to begin with.

THANK YOU! I have tried everything under the sun to get something like this!

I have the same issue and would love a software update to allow our Echo’s to snooze ring notifications.

Cueently, if I have activity around the house and want to snooze Ring, Alexa does not snooze and keeps announcing. That can be very annoying when I have people working around the house or even have a party. I keep ring enabled when I"m home to alert me if someone is on the property. Currently I have to “disarm” ring to stop the announcements, and I sometimes forget to re-arm ring or set to Home. That renders ring useless. Not to mention I may still want to review recordings from that time period, just not be alerted to them. Disabling announcements from every ring camera in Alexa is time consuming and tedious when you have to to it every time, to disable and reenable. Please add snooze to alexa!!!

I agree totally. Let’s get Alexa to honour ring scheduled

Thank you so much! We have someone doing some work in our front yard, and the Alexa notifications have been driving us crazy!!!

5 years… why is this not fixed?

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So glad I can just snooze my ring notifications on my show screen like I can on my phone…

Oh wait, it’s April 2024 and this still isn’t a thing.

Yes, thank you indeed for this. Finally I have my sanity back. Always disappointing when integration is only “half baked”.

Please, Please, Please, add this feature!!!
How hard can it be!

It is just unbelievable that Ring (An Amazon company) has not fixed this.

Hi All, came here unseccessfully to find the same answer however have since found it under another, more recent, thread. It appears you disable devices individually in the Alexa app, which has worked for me.

Heres the thread