Feature Request Board

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Ring Alexa Skill - Motion Snooze - Integrations Feature Request
I know how to snooze my doorbell on my Ring App. However, my echos still notifies me when there is motion at my front door. How do I snooze my 3 echo devices? So I have to go into my Alexa app and disabled it? Then go back in to enable it?




31-10-2019 08:54:07

Responses (57)

Please add a function to the Ring Alexa Skill to cause it to implement Motion Snooze. The Ring App implements Motion Snooze but the Ring Alexa Skill continues to announce any sensed motion regardless of Motion Snooze being set. It is pointless temporarily suspending Motion announcements to the mobile telephone when Motion Snooze is set while the Alexa devices continue to make Motion announcements. Please rectify. Regards Joe.


13-11-2019 09:56:10

I found this forum looking for solution to this same problem. I was heavily invested in Echo 6 devices in a 4 story house. I added a full Ring alarm system and Doorbell solely based on the integration ability with Echo...only to find that motion alerts are terrorizing my family. I kept telling them "just snooze the doorbell" with your phone app...only to discover that Alexa doesn't care about Ring's snooze settings. When I contacted Ring support, I was told I would need to configure each Echo device motion alert separately...which I've spent 4 hours pouring through internet posts and Ring/Alexa apps and still haven't figured out how to configure each Echo device to either turn off or snooze Ring Doorbell 2 motion alerts. CAN YOU PLEASE FIX THIS? JUST MAKE THE SNOOZE SETTING GLOBAL TO INCLUDE ECHO DEVICES WOULD BE HUGE


18-11-2019 03:20:52

Your link chastising the poster is **not** to a feature request post like this post. Additionally, the workarounds listed are not complete and suffer numerous drawbacks. So after searching your link and the feature request section - this OP seems more than proper. I will add to the OP, hoping Ring proper will consider this feature on a fast track. If possible, please do two things: 1) make the Alexa Ring Skill honor the mobile app motion snooze setting 2) add an Alexa Ring Skill to snooze motion detection, like the mobile app that way motion snooze is a bi-directional option from either Alexa or the Ring Mobile App (motion detection announcements are a great feature you added, however without this flexibility people will tend to disable it because at times it becomes very annoying- cutting grass, working in the yard).


16-02-2020 12:08:48

Searching for the exact problem and landed in this thread. Has there been in progress on this issue? For now, I am unplugged my Alexa Echo.


31-03-2020 06:22:57

Hi charlieLauj, Regrettably, there appears to have been NO progress with this. The only response that we ever seem to get is from the Community Manager (Jennifer\_Ring) being completely UNHELPFUL. This whole Integrations Feature Request board appears to be a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME - set up as a PRETENCE that Ring is interested in its customers - it is NOT. I love their products in general (they could be improved by implementing solutions to their customer's requests) but their staff appear completely lacking in Customer Service. Best regards Joe.


31-03-2020 07:49:44

Setting up schedules to resolve this is not a resolve. At this time my yard guy is cutting my grass. I am working from home and my alexa will not stop alarming that there is movement. There is no way to setup a schedule for this situatuon.


02-04-2020 01:54:08

I think it would be super helpful if we could say something like “Alexa, snooze Ring alerts for 1 hour” and/or change modes via alexa commands


09-05-2020 12:04:14

**Snooze motion alerts via Alexa** There is a thread where _a lot of people are asking_ for the ability to snooze motion alerts via Alexa: If possible, please do two things: 1) make the Alexa Ring Skill honor the mobile app motion snooze setting 2) add an Alexa Ring Skill to snooze motion detection, like the mobile app that way motion snooze is a bi-directional option from either Alexa or the Ring Mobile App (motion detection announcements are a great feature you added, however without this flexibility people will tend to disable it because at times it becomes very annoying- cutting grass, working in the yard). [https://community.ring.com/t5/Ring-Integrations/Ring-Alexa-Skill-Motion-Snooze-Integrations-Feature-Request/td-p/5833/highlight/false](https://community.ring.com/t5/Ring-Integrations/Ring-Alexa-Skill-Motion-Snooze-Integrations-Feature-Request/td-p/5833/highlight/false)


01-08-2020 10:59:41

Yes, I am going crazy with Alexas talking, even though I snooze the Ring. But I would like some of my Alexas (Echo, Show, EcobeThermostat) to work with Ring.


08-09-2020 01:24:13

Same problem. Snooze should silence ring motion alerts on echo devices. I havent bought any more ring cameras because of this issue. The problem has bounced around the mesage boards for over a year.


20-11-2020 06:21:59

Alexa devices should honor the snooze command issued to the cameras. Come on now... I see a thread that was started more than year ago about this. really?


02-12-2020 03:35:04

Since Amazon owns Ring, it makes total sense for the Alexa app to have a snooze feature like Ring does. There are times when I am working outside and do not need to have my echo Shows announce my movements. I have been disabling the Ring skill to mute the announcements but its not ideal because then I have to log in to enable the skill. Adding a snooze feature is the best way. Please add this.


09-12-2020 05:56:45

Ring doorbell 2. Obviously motion notifications are not necessary during the day but at night they are crucial. I set a schedule using the app to deactivate motion alerts during the day but it still triggers the alert on 10 Alexa devices I have round the house! Because of this my wife disabled this feature without telling me and last night we were robbed! Thanks a bunch Ring! There is an entire thread you have ignored on this for over a year. You only care about new customers but not existing and because of this I will be switching to another product. The Police who took a witness statement today said they have had this happen before and were critical about your product because of this known issue you won't rectify. Terrible company. Take a look at me getting robbed while fast asleep in bed because you didn't bother addressing the issue.


04-10-2020 09:46:14

That's terrible. I hope you got the punks.


06-10-2020 09:39:56

No, they wore masks and went on to Rob three other properties eventually getting disturbed by a neighbour who was alerted by his Arlo system.


06-10-2020 10:02:25

It would be nice if there was the ability to snooze or disable alerts from Alexa just like the app.


26-10-2020 08:53:52

Currently motion schedule is set via the ring app but alexa devices still alert. Currently the only solution is to set all of the alexa devices to do not disturb but this is not ideal and not acceptable. Please add support for this. I began searching through the community threads to attempt to find a solution and this issue was first put out over a year ago with multiple complaints from users. Thank you for your consideration.


05-01-2021 02:01:52

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