Plug broken : next steps?

Builders have accidentally damaged the power plug for my doorbell. I believe ill need to replace it but the wiring would then need to be fixed. Is it worth investing in a wireless or getting this fixed?

Hi @user36347. Which Ring Doorbell do you have, and which power source are you referring to? If any of your Ring devices are damaged, I’d definitely urge you to reach out to our support team so they can review the warranty and determine the best solution.

One of my pins on my plug-in chime have broken off.
I’m just wondering if any one knows if I can buy the bit that slides in? I had a look online, but the ring sites kit doesn’t seem have anything for chimes. Just wanted to check before I need to buy a whole new chime :blush:

Hi @user50100. We do not have replacement parts for a Ring Chime. The next best step for psychical damage to your Chime would be to give our support team a call to see if you would be covered by a warranty replacement.