Pet Tag Pet Finder

The Pet tag that is being advertised on ring, to help find lost pets. They disabled comments on the advertisement, please don’t let any pet wear a collar while in the house. I have seen many times where a pet with a collar on inside get caught on something around or on the collar. The pet panics and hurts itself or worse. Collars are great and necessary but not indoors. This post may get taken down because of what I am asking, that’s why they disabled comments. Im 60 yrs old and owned all types of animals and worke around all types daily so I know what I’m talking about. The pet tag locater is great on the collar when you go out with your pet and gets away, but collars 24hrs a day can do more harm then good when your pet is in the house alone or with its owner or someone home. So please don’t put a collar on your pet while indoors unless your pet has a tendency to run, then make sure that it can’t get caught on anything in the house.

Hi @MoJoRisn. Thank you for sharing your feedback! I definitely understand your concern regarding pets wearing collars 24/7 - I have two cats of my own. Some owners may wish to only put their pet’s collar on sometimes, such as for walks or when they let their pet outside. In that case, it would be great to ensure the Ring Pet Tag is on their pet’s collar in case they get lost. Once again, thanks for sharing your perspective.

I think that there may have been a leak in my basement. I’m so sorry Caitlin. I like you. What Dan I help you with. I live to see you on camera and as for pet finder. I found my pet. It a littler cat. . I look forward to meeting you at psb. The RING is the “really interesting neighbor group” that gets together at the log cabin to watch the game and play the entire thing on a regular basis. Next episode is scheduled at The Little Nugget though. It’s called a Watch Aparty. We all bought Apple smart watches with the proceeds and sale of merchandise. I think there’s was a giveaway of motorcycle, and , money, I think the pot is up to 2000k cash , no taxes t taken out so it’s a big big deal. drawing, tickets and all courtesy of theQ kat, aka. Tfcbn. . That’s French fir neighbor hood. As in the The HOOD. Cu. Watch 3 live!

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