Option to control alerts or notifications within Modes Settings

nobody wants to listen the costumers. Only for take the subscription money :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:

Has this been thought of yet I see it was back in 2020

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I’d like to be able to separate my notifcation settings on my dorbells and cameras via Mode Setting. For example, in Home Mode, it detects and records motion and people, but doesn’t notify me. In away it records and does notify me.

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Just writing to echo all these other comments. Its Insanity that this feature isn’t available.
I have 9 cameras that i want recording at all times even if i don’t want alerts pointing my phone constantly.

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+1. new to ring, would really like to see thisl

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Hey all, long time Ring customer. I’ve found what I think is a big hole in “mode” options (home, away etc) for cams when primarily used as a security device for a large area. We recently bought a farm, and I have Ring cams everywhere now…all over the place. Under the modes options all I can do is set it to turn off motion detection…which I don’t want to do. Lots of kids, a couple of employees, and lots of contractors, I want them ALWAYS recording motion. What I don’t want is a barrage of notifications which all users of the system constantly get.

I would love an extra option under modes for cameras that says “Enable notifications” for each cam. That way I can turn all cams to notify when we are away, only perimeter cams to notify when we’re home, and none to notify when it’s disarmed but have them ALL record motion at all times.


I’m pretty shocked that this has still not been prioritised yet. I have just purchased a Ring Doorbell, after installing an indoor ring cam earlier this year - and came across this thread back then; months and months ago. Not only that, but the fact that this was requested in 2020.

As a UX Designer myself, the feature of being able to toggle Motion Alerts under the Mode Settings screen seems like a no brainer, and the fact that normal users are crying out for this should be more than enough weight to show product owners the value in it.

The journey would be ‘Mode Settings’ > User Selects Mode to Customise ie. ‘Home’ > User Selects Camera to Customise > 3 Options are presented ‘Motion Detection’, ‘Motion Notifications’ and ‘Live View’.

If it helps to speed up this feature being implemented, here’s a quick mock up.

That way you can be at home, without getting millions of notifications, but still be protected by having full motion recording as needed.

To the UX team at Ring, we all know that certain voices are heard more loudly at the decisions table than others when it comes to project road maps and feature planning - but if you can’t implement basic features that users actually need, there is no point trying to do even flashier things to appease the ‘how can we stand out from the others’ crowd. Best of luck :+1:


I simply want to have an option in the mode setting to leave motion recording on, but turn off motion alerts. Can this simple update be added in the next release?

For example, if I am in disarm mode, I could choose to have the motion recording stay on, but turn off alerts. Such a simple add!


You should be able to control motion notifications from cameras based on your alarm mode. Example, turn off motion notifications if alarm is disarmed. I don’t need to get notified every time my kids play outside, when I’m already home. When in away or home armed mode, turn motion alerts back on. This seems like the most obvious use of the “modes” settings, yet was somehow overlooked.


nobody of ring support saw this forum, i think that is a conclusion.

Thank You! i Really hope they follow this. It really annoying this is not a feature. If I wasn’t pass my return date, I would return my cameras.

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more than 2 years and nothing… It really annoying :rage:

Every time, my spouse, or I go in or out of the house, we’re having to clear the notifications from multiple devices. We really need this feature!


@Riley_Ring please do something about this.


Currently, in order to use both the “motion alerts” and “motion warning” settings, you have to manually connect to each individual camera in the Ring app and turn those features on and off constantly.

So why not just add those options to the mode settings?

Example: I do not want motion warnings squawking at me or motion alerts blowing up my phone when I am home playing with my dogs in the back-yard. But I DO want motion warnings and motion alerts active when I am in alarm Home or Away modes.

I would like this to happen based off of the mode setting, and not having to go into the app and constantly make these changes!

This seems like a basic functionality that is overlooked.


3years and nothing :rage:

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Came here after just getting some new ring cams and wanted to customize my alerts settings in each mode. Looks like there has been a long wait for a really basic feature. I won’t hold my breath and will reconsider Ring. Like Wink all over again…


the support team does´t listen the costumers

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One more vote for an update to the Modes Settings. As it is, the Modes are fairly useless until we can assign the notifications toggle to a Mode. With 12 cameras at home, it’s a royal PIA to go to each camera to turn off/on notifications.

Come on, folks. Let’s make this happen.


When setting cameras in away or disarmed I can only globally setup how ring alerts or motion detection functions. I think you should be able to setup how motion alerts and motion warnings function by device. Ex. I have a ring doorbell and 5 other camera’s. I go into away mode in the app and all 6 devices turns on motion detection. I have to manually turn on motion alerts and motion warnings for all 6 devices. The system should allow you to setup how you want each device to function in away, home or disarmed settings. It’s a pain when I arrive and leave everyday to have to go into 6 devices and also change the motion alert or motion warning settings. I’ve called help and they said there is no way to do that on the app.

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