Feature Request Board

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One button to activate all Camera and Alarm sirens at one location

Allow all devices with a speaker to serve as a siren. Make them all link and allow for an easy panic button where all devices sound a siren when the alarm is triggered and on command just like the all “lights on” feature This is needed its the best way for your home to receive the attention it needs while your vulnerable.




22-10-2020 10:06:25

Responses (29)

  • B

    It will be nice if we could add a button on the dashboard to triger all the siren around the house if you have multiple product installed. Thank you


    18-07-2020 07:48:29


      @best840314 wrote: It will be nice if we could add a button on the dashboard to triger all the siren around the house if you have multiple product installed. Thank you Are you talking about something different than the Red-shield “Explanation” Alarm’Siren button at the upper-right corner of the Dashboard that is already there?


      22-07-2020 10:58:40


      Hello Boone,thank you for your reply. Sorry for my poor wording, I’m guessing you are talking about the ring alarm which haven’t released in Australia yet, I have 6 ring cameras around the house, I’m wishing we could have a button to trigger all the camera siren at once. At moment I could only sound the siren one by one.


      26-08-2020 10:28:16


      @best840314 wrote: It will be nice if we could add a button on the dashboard to trigger all the siren around the house if you have multiple product installed. Thank you @best840314 , Ah, I see and understand now. You want a button to trigger all camera sirens simultaneously in your Ring Video Cameras (that have a built-in siren: Spotlight & Floodlight). Now, that IS a neat idea for a new feature! I agree with that! You got my Kudo vote! Yes, I previously misunderstood, and I was referring to the Ring Alarm System. Here in USA you can use the Keypad or phone to activate the Alarm system sirens. Using the smart-phone is cool for this. In multiple locations on your Ring App, you have quick access to the Red Shield “Exclamation-Point” icon (upper-right corner of Dashboard, Camera video device, or on “Live View” by first tapping the blue “+” icon). It’s safe to experiment with this, and I always encourage people to "Go ahead and just tap on that red “Exclamation-Point” icon. Then appears 3 slide-choices of which emergency agency you need, Police, Fire, or Medical services (details on what actions will occur are written there in each choice). Then sliding (swipe-right) one of the choices. Now will display a Count-down of 5 seconds to hit the “Cancel” at the bottom, before the signal actually goes out. Also, there is a blue bar “Sound Siren Only” at the bottom, which does not notify the Professional Monitoring people. But tapping this blue bar will sound the Alarm Base Station Siren and Keypad Siren (No sirens on cameras are sounded). The Ring Alarm system and Ring Video systems are basically two separate systems that just share the same App. (although the Alarm DISARM, HOME, and AWAY Mode can modify some of the behavior of the Video Camera). Maybe something to look forward to when the Ring Alarm system becomes available to you “down under” if you decide to purchase it.


      26-08-2020 03:10:32

  • R

    Agree. If all cameras with speakers sound the siren at the same time, will ensure neighbors take notice and the suspect(s) decide to go elsewhere.


    26-10-2020 12:28:44

    • H

      Absolutely, I have the ring alarm and the sirens on my cameras do not engage with the security system. The sirens need to link to the ring alarm.


      31-10-2020 11:26:12

      • B

        This would include Alexa Echo and dot devices.


        31-10-2020 02:39:32

        • J

          +1 Both Simplisafe and now Hive have the option of an external siren. If it wasn't for the reports of flakey connectivity with the Hive sensors and the abuility to disable the Simplisafe system easily i'd concider them over Ring. For me an external siren or utilising one of Rings other products to work like an external siren is necessary for the UK. The police highly recommend it and i've come across a number of insurance companies now asking about it. If the other two companies resolve their issues before Ring or a partner release an external siren, I can see a number of owners switching.


          10-11-2020 01:11:09

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