Offer Paypal as a payment method for subscription plans

Please add Paypal as an optional payment method. I purchased Ring for increased physical security. I don’t want to lower my financial security at the same time by limiting my payment methods to entering credit card numbers which are vulnerable to data breaches and identity theft. Kind of ironic … a security company which imposes two-factor authentication for logins while requiring entry of credit card numbers. Good grief.

Absolutely right! RING is supposed to be selling security. I don’t business with companies who expect you to put your credit card info into every site you visit including theirs. I talked to someone on the phone and it seems they accept PayPal for products, so it’s NOT a technical issue. They explained that they wanted to be able to automatically renew the subscription “for my convenience.” Besides the fact that it is not convenient for me to have yet another surprise recurring payment (I’d rather get a reminder BEFORE I’m charged), PayPal DOES allow recurring renewals. I don’t have a subscription with Prime and I won’t until they come to their senses and support the security of their customers by offering PayPal for subscriptions.

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