New to ring: Here are some ideas that would clearly make it better

  1. Secure your wireless products better. This can be done by either of the following:
    a) Provide Firmware update so that WPA3 Encryption works with all 2nd generation devices
    b) Provide Firmware update so that Protection Management Frames works with WPA2 Encryption
    It is rather surprising that a Security Company like Ring has not gone out of their way to provide these types of updates. Furthermore, to ignore this issue by not providing feedback as to this issue while continuing to sell these insecure products is shocking IMO. There are many companies out there whose camera’s will function with WPA3! So, what are you folks waiting for? At least provide an update for use.

  2. Secure the Ring Bridge by allowing it to hook up via a POE connection instead of WiFi.

  3. Allow all products and features to be available in as many countries as possible. For example, I live in Canada and there are many features (like Motion Warnings for Cameras and Ring Neighbors which I can’t use here). Also, things like A19 Smart Led Bulbs and many Solar Lights can’t be purchased in Canada. This is unacceptable if you want to keep an ongoing relationship with these customers. And there is virtually zero feedback to customers when they complain about this (i.e. there is no assurance that products or features will be available down the road)

  4. Your Motion sensor ability with many of your latest cameras is great. I think you use PIR technology and you can set Smart Alerts that you can set to “Person only” motion. However, your Outdoor Motion Sensors don’t have this ability as it uses IR technology and you get many false alerts during the day. It is very hard to manage these motion alerts so they work consistently. An easy fix: Use the same technology PIR (Person only) alerts with these same outdoor motion sensors.

  5. If your Ring Bridge disconnects from WiFi you get an alert about 5 minutes after you disconnect. We need to get this alert much quicker (within 30 seconds). After all this is security company, correct?

  6. We should be getting the same type of Alert if your Camera’s disconnect from WiFi or Ethernet.

  7. Also, you should be able to have a secondary connection that your Bridge/Camera’s can connect to if the primary connection disconnects.

  8. Provide many more POE products! Especially if this company is NOT going to secure your wireless products!