"New Features" notification will not go away

I am having the same issue. SO ANNOYING!!!

I have tried the tips. Uninstalled the reinstalled same problem.

I have clicked on everything, turned on features, turned off features. Still this notification will not go away!

Can you give us an option to disable what’s new inside our account please?!?!

Please care about feedback from your customers.

There is obviously an issue!!!

Contacted Ring support and they act as if they are unaware of this issue.



I’m as frustrated with the annoying red dot as everyone else in this thread for the past year. I’ve been a long time Ring users (started using it before Amazon bought them) and the lack of customer support in fixing the annoying problem for their customer base is reason enough to make me start looking at the other video doorbell options.

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Hi there,

I’m not interested in using the new geofence feature. And I find the geofence tile-like feature notification in the Ring app’s dashboard to be annoying. I mean, I get it already. Stop hitting me over the head with it!

Is there way to remove the notification?



Absolutely agree!!! I know it exists but do not want to enable. Make it disappear please.


Lol issue here is well on IOS

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I have an iPhone (iOS 14.4.2) and it has constantly been an issue for me as well. I have also done the various steps mentioned, but it is an absolute pain to be forced to look at other Ring products in Amazon that I already know will not suit my needs nor am I interested in them. At the very least, I should be able to quickly scroll to the page, and when the app recognizes I’ve hit the “You’re all caught up” it should clear that notification. Quite honestly, new products should NOT be in this section at all, it should remain as new features within the app that I may need to review and THEN CLEAR once I’ve seen them.

I have the same red dot feature and the suggestions make it worse, not better. Why do I have to give so much effort to fix this?


I’ve come here hoping to find a solution to this because I’ve had the red dot for a very long time now. I’ve managed to find more of the items inside the “App Features” and “Products & Accessories” sub-sections but after dismissing all of those and the ones on the main page, I still have a count of 1 and a red dot. There just isn’t another remaining. I’ve gone through every single item one at a time and it continues showing 1 no matter what. How about just adding a “dismiss all” button? That way it can be easily cleared and keep me from having to try to find every nook and cranny in this convoluted maze and still come up with a count. I also don’t appreciate having to click something that opens the Amazon app to a new product page for a series of items to be able to dismiss it, even if that did work. Really, not being able to get the red dot and counter to go away have kept me from ever looking in here because I can’t ever know that it isn’t just telling me about what I’ve already seen. If you want me to look here, clear the stuff easily so that it is obvious that something is truly new. Also, this has been going on for over a year? How hard could it be to fix?

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ChrisJones really sums it up for all of us. I have been frustrated with the red dot thing since buying a pair of the spotlight battery cams and finally came to the app board for an answer and found this very LONG thread about this. Why not allow a person to dismiss these notifications about new products, indeed?! Yesterday I discovered that if you go through each and every new product announcement by actually going to the advertisement page, then it will knock the count down one by one. The one remaining announcement about the garage delivery was a real pain. It was only after going to the linked Amazon sales page and actually putting in my zip code, did I get rid of this one on the counter and now the red dot is finally gone and there is no longer a red number next to What’s New! BUT, the notifications are still under what’s new even though at the bottom is says “you’re all caught up”.

RIng, it seems this has really been going on a long time. Can we get this fixed? As others have said, calling into technical support does NOT result in solutions. They are nice and all, but honestly don’t even know this has been a reported issue when they check their “resources” and put you on hold. I was even promised an email back with a solution but got a form email back about Ring not accepting proposals!

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Does anyone have an actual solution to get rid of the forced viewing of hardware products or features. I just don’t want red all over my app, the inability to clear notifications is really bothersome. Long version below…

New to Ring, and so far pretty disappointed and frustrated with everything about the system. I have a google nest hello and simplisafe at my house, and they have both been relatively intuitive to use. My parents recently got a house with a Ring system and I was given the job of setting it up. Boy was I not expecting what a hassle it would be, or how cluttered and confusing the app would be.

Biggest issues:

  1. having to dig around in the app to see anything other than the cameras.
  2. setting up new devices took forever, and I had to get help from someone more technically minded (and I’m reasonably savvy myself).
  3. The red dots and numbers all over the app that I can’t get rid of.

Actually now that I’m through the setup, probably #3 is the worst. I have tried other suggestions to look at every product and feature to remove all the red numbers in the side menu, but I couldn’t remove the last two. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and they all returned! Now they won’t go away at all! This is so, so frustrating. Every time I open the app it bothers me, and at this point I would never recommend anyone get a ring system.

However, if anyone has an actual solution to the red notices all over the app for ads and features I want nothing to do with, please tell me! I’m using an Android phone.

Hey neighbors! We’ve implemented a new aspect to this section of the Ring app to address this concern. If your New Features notifications won’t go away, you can can manually clear it in the Ring app. Tap on What’s New and then tap the icon with a check mark in it on the top right. If you’re running iOS, you can find more information on how to do this and troubleshoot notification issues on iOS here. If you’re running Android, you can find more information on how to do this and troubleshoot notification issues on Android here.

In the event that your Ring app is still not behaving as it should, we recommend reaching out to our support team for additional help. If the steps in that article do not resolve your concern, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here so they can take a closer look. If you are outside of the US, please go here to see how to contact support.

Very disappointing to discover that the control app for a $200 doorbell is adware/malware. There’s just no other word for it. Disappointing.


SolarEclipse -

Are you actually attempting to DEFEND Ring’s obnoxious, offensive, intrusive advertising tactics in the Ring app? If so, why would you do so?

First of all, you’re obviously seriously understating the pervasive nature of advertising tactics in the Ring app. As you presumably know… advertising appears in MANY places within the Ring app (and Neighbors app).

Second, I’m not sure why you would try to claim the that advertising tactics in the Ring app are “pretty normal” and “not even obnoxious” like some apps you’ve used. Are the apps you are referring to associated with hardware/software/services that you actually purchased (i.e., rather than in so-called “free” apps)? I can only think of one app in that category. (Interestingly, when I’ve spoken to people who have used that app, they are typically either interesting in finding an alternative or have already discontinued the use of the app.)

Finally, I can’t imagine how anyone could possibly condone incredibly offensive tactics (such as forcing users to click on the “Shop Deals” menu choice) in order to remove the small Red dot on the Menu icon and the Red number icon to the left of the Shop Deals menu choice. (One would hope such tactics discourage users from purchasing Ring products in the future.)

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I agree whole heartedly! I have a bit of an OCD issue and this causes me stress. I check the app daily and no matter what I have a red dot. I’ve sat for HOURS trying to rid myself of it. It Haunts me. I’d love to know why it’s even necessary? Would someone in hopes of new features not go looking for them? Could we maybe get emails instead and be allowed to opt out? I don’t need to see ANY new features really…I got the doorbell, that’s all I want. Tell me when someone is at my door and when neighbors need assistance and leave me alone after that.

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Hey Chelsea, do you have a manager that could maybe come on by the forum and talk to us? You don’t seem to be passing along the THOUSANDS of people complaining about this red dot. I’m currently looking for another service and product SOLELY because of the “New Features” tab. We don’t need that tab. Email is what’s new. And then we can opt out of your emails marketing. PROBLEM SOLVEDDDD.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: ‘What’s New’ menu item notification won’t go away

This is still appearing and very annoying. If Ring can’t fix I’ll be sending all my products back and purchase Blink cameras. It’s not science Ring!!!

Hi neighbors, our team is aware of an issue affecting iOS where the “What’s New” badge notifications are not properly clearing. Make sure your Ring app is updated, and ensure you have reached the end of the “What’s New” section. If you’ve done that, and the badge notifications are still there, please reach out to our support team at one of the numbers here. They can notate your ticket accordingly so you receive an email when this issue has been resolved. Thank you!

I reached out to support a few days ago and they told me to check for updates here… I have an iPhone and have tried every “solution” that has been suggested. It’s been 3 years…I’m confused as to why there still isn’t just an option to mark all as read after literally years of this going on.

I have marked all the new features in the New Features section as read, but it still shows 1 New Feature. Already tried deleting and reinstalling, but still can’t clear it. It’s nothing major, just annoying me.