My extension on subscription

Yes question my house got broken into show ring proof of that and the statement saying I’m the one who called the police because system malfunctioned and since ring didn’t honor the warranty I had to replace the system and 2 cameras anything could’ve happened my kids could’ve been home and the rep apologized for everything and he said he was putting in the computer as we spoke and I asked until I replace the system could we just hold off because I would only had 2 cameras 5 cameras plus 2 ring doorbells and he said yes I could call or text for setup then we got disconnected when I called today they said they see the the notes about everything but not how long the extended period is and I told them the same that we got disconnected before he said and I waited for the callback so I replaced the system and the cameras went to turn it on and they automatically went and applied the extension when I didn’t know and I told them it was supposed to be I call when I have got everything ready so I did and still it hasn’t be resolved

Hello @Heathdogg ,

Sorry to hear about your break-in and your other issues.

This is a “peer-to-peer” Community forum where mostly us other fellow Ring device owners (“Ring Neighbors”) can share and help each other sometimes. It’s been especially useful during this unusual time of the Covid-19, where the professional Ring Support staff-manning has been reorganized into ‘split-shifts’ to maintain social distancing, which unfortunately resulted in discontinuing their email support, cut-backs in support hours, and a potential increase in waiting times on the telephone.

Your issues require the Ring Support teams, and can not be resolved here in this forum. Which means you will have to again telephone Ring Support when they are manning the phones. Sorry.

Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19, their available hours have been changed also:

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