More Options to Filter Event History by Time/Date/Location/Device

Can you add an option to search the camera history by camera and date? Having to scroll back weeks is very slow and painful.

I strongly support this idea. I just had to search a month looking for events that happened over night. It seems easy to select time and date windows, specific cameras, type of motion, etc.


I agree but add searchable by time-date-device. Allowing a range to be put in like “Date/Front door between 10p-4am”.


Add feature to Ring app to allow users to filter history of recorded events based on time of day, for example: filter/show events that only occurred between 11pm and 5:30am, so that only late night motion events are shown to the user while the filter is applied. This would make it easier to review the motion events during the User specified time of day filtered range, without regard to the actual date.


Yes please!

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Yes this makes sense , I am really intrested in looked back once a week over the night time period say midnight till 6am. At present his takes ages.


I agree that we need enhanced search features. I have 14 cameras and it takes too long to review, especially if I know what date, time or camera I want to look at. Going through 30 days of history which includes every camera, without being able to jump to a certain date of time is simply burdensome.

I’d really like this feature as well. Having to constantly scroll back takes up way too much time. Filtering videos based on time is a standard feature with any other video system.


I was just about to request this feature! I only care to see alerts that occur during the night (since I’m home all the time these days)! But there’s no way to filter out all the events that occur as we move about the outside of the house during the day. Please add some way to choose hours of interest for viewing events–I personally only care to see what happens between 9PM and 5AM. Thanks!



Surely the might of Amazon could add this in 30mins flat. I have 3 cameras and the app is almost unusable when needed to search for specific events


yes, I want to see videos only from overnight across days or weeks.


Agree with all of the above! If the same event happens day-after-day at the same time, it would be great to look across a series of days, but only show events during a specific time parameter, e.g. 10PM to 6AM for the last month. Especially the overnight hours, you’re less likely to get the multitude of events that you get during the day time, much easier to find irregular events that way.

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In reviewing video footage, it would be super useful to be able to filter motion events by time of day to better be able to review security footage. Currently no such filter exists.

My family legitimately triggers motion events and generates tens of these during normal daylight hours. As the bad guys tend to do stuff at night, it would be useful to be able to set a filter to quickly see motion events betweeen the hours of 11pm and 6am.


Yes please! I have a lot of traffic in my apartment hallway and it takes a long time to scroll through all the “motion” clips when I’m only interested in motion captured from 11pm-4am. I’m the in process of gathering evidence to evict a neighbour that generate excessive noise after 11pm.


I have a chronic problem with people breaking in to cars in the neighborhood between 1AM and 4AM. It would be super handy to be able to filter videos by time of day so I can focus on this time range to see if my motion sensor went off.

This would be an invaluable and easy fix. I could care less about all the events during the day. I want to see only those between, say, midnight and 6am.

I could program this myself in no time.

Why don’t you guys just do it?

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Would love this feature to be added. It would definitely make it easier to filter on the more likely times of day for unwanted activity

Yes. I want to filter out part of the day.

AGREED 100%, I use way too much time scanning through event history for this late night/early morning time range. This feature would make that so much easier!

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I agree totally with you! This would make a lot of sense! There is a larger thread about the same topic, so please upvote here: More Options to Filter Event History by Time/Date/Location/Device

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