Microphone unmuted when Live View is opened

Just bought a video doorbell for my 86 year old mother who can’t get to the door quickly.

Having to answer the doorbell, then manually unmute both the incoming and outgoing audio makes it confusing for her to use.

I see in the thread below people complaining about there being no option to automatically answer with unmuted two-way comms, this really should be an option and it seems mad that it isn’t as it shouldn’t be complicated to implement yet it would simplify the task of answering the door for less technically minded people.

Please can we have this option added - there’s clearly demand for it!

Whenever I answer the notification that somebody is at the door the video automatically opens on my phone landscape as if I am holding my screen at a 90 degree angle, even if my phone is upright.

From this screen you can access the mute button but not the microphone button. The screen doesn’t easily rotate round and by the time I can get to the microphone button I can either be at the door already or the person has left.

It would be more functional if the microphone was accessible to toggle on/off on the full screen camera, which it actually shows you can do that on the advert?!? or if you could have a setting that once the notification is answered and the camera opens the microphone is automatically turned on.

Please let me know if there is a way to do this already.

Is there any way to change the settings so the sound and microphone default to ON? That way I can respond immediately without having to unmute each time…just to find they’ve already left??

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