Indoor stickup camera motion detection schedule

Please add feature for Ring stickups camera ( indoor ) to schedule for disable motion detection during certain time of the day and week. I use ring stickups camera to monitor indoor but do not want to record everything when we are at home. This feature can allow us to disable motion detection , which means it will stop recording . Today , I am doing it manually each day from ring app two times ( once for disable MOTION DETECTION and once to enable MOTION DETECTION) . Schedule will really help here to avoid recording and improve battery life for indoors. Please see attached picture and circle in blue .


Motion detection schedule should be added to outdoor cameras as well so that, e.g., you don’t record the backyard activity during the day but do it during the night.

This is a lot more useful than the motion alert schedule.

The motion detection schedule should be different for different modes as well. For example, if you are away, you don’t want the motion detection to be scheduled off.