Have a separate door Placement setting per Mode

I would like to see an option in the app so that when I select a sensor I can choose the right door Placement setting for the type of Mode I select.

Currently my kitchen back door which leads to the garden is set to “main door” however ideally I want it to be set to “secondary door” so that if an intruder opens it the alarm is triggered instantly.
The reason why I have not set this to “secondary door” is because I sometimes need to let the dog out in the middle of the night and by being half asleep i may forget to turn off the alarm and then the alarm is triggered frightening everyone in the house.

I would like to see an option in the app so that when I select a sensor I can choose the right door placement setting for the type of mode I select. For example…
I choose the kitchen back door sensor and when I set the ring alarm to “Home” mode, the door placement is set to “Main Door”. However if I choose “Away” mode, the placement is set to “Secondary Door” to allow the alarm to be triggered instantly!

Hi @UkFBI. Thanks for sharing your suggestion. If you have a 2nd Generation Contact Sensor, you can utilize the Quick Exit feature to open the door without having to disarm the system. It will temporarily bypass the Contact Sensor so you can briefly open the door, and the Sensor will then be rearmed after the door is closed.

I’d like to be able to have the placement of a sensor (main door /secondary door, Room /entrance hall etc) linked to the mode.

For example. When I leave the house I set Away mode which puts the front door in “main door” meaning I have an entry delay when opening the door. And all other sensors to immediately trigger the alarm.

At night I’d like to set to Home mode which would set the Front door to “secondary door” meaning the alarm would go off immediately if the door was to open.
I’d also set the motion sensor outside the bedroom to trigger entry delay when in home mode so when I leave the bedroom the entry delay is started.

This is something I could do with my old house alarm and really miss having this option with the ring alarm.

Could this functionality be added?