
We appreciate this feedback, neighbors! While our teams work to add and improve on our features and devices we would like to share out recently announced Geofence feature with you. This feature offers notification auto-snoozing for your Doorbells and Cameras. Plus it has Alarm mode reminders too! It is currently only available for US based neighbors. Check out Riley’s Community article here, for more information on this new Geofence feature, and feel free to let us know what you think! :slight_smile:

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The geo fence seems like an interim solution with some cameras etc - why not use the Mode switch for arming the cameras?

Unless I’m missing something in the app, it would be nice if there was the ability to control camera movement notifications by allowing the user to set the order that their rules are processed and for which camera(s) they want or don’t want to receive notifications via Geofencing, Schedules and Modes. For instance, I never want to get indoor camera notifications when my phone is within my geofence. I have modes and schedules setup to help with some of this, but I don’t want to completely turn off notifications due to Scheduling if I happen to not actually be home at that time, or vice versa.

For my situation I would want Geofencing to turn off indoor camera notifications and enable the notifications if I were to leave the area or if the Mode changes (to Home or Away).

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How can I disable notifications when I am home?

I have geofencing setup but that only snoozes notifications, there are no set times that I want this to happen so scheduling notifications is not an option.

Modes doesn’t do it either as I still want motion to be detected and recorded but not to notify me when I am at home. Not that modes can be changed automatically either!

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Ring door bell is bad cause that features not exist
It’s 2021 come on people :thinking: