Hello, totally new here, but I want to ask if the following features are available (yet)… and if not, whether Ring could integrate same in software/app updates ???:

  1. I have need for a one-press SNOOZE button of EVERYTHING (not only cameras). I would especially want to be able to snooze notifications for motion sensors and door sensors as well as cams (in other words: a combo of devices, and type of devices of my choosing).
  2. I would like to see a TEST MODE option in-App (where the WHOLE system goes into a test mode for a user… so that, if you have professional monitoring, you don’t get calls OR call outs when an alarm triggers as you are simply testing the system… eg the sensitivity of motion sensors for animals !). I would suggest a multi-confirmation process by users before “activation of the test mode” (by having to confirm and press confirmation buttons in app a few times like confirmation of risks, the fact that system is not monitored and that test mode will be on for the following " 15/30/60 minutes" (give option to choose time as well). An auto-revert to non-test mode after a max of 60 minutes (for instance) since it started would prevent being stuck “in test mode” by accident.