Custom entry exit delay options

I purchased a Ring Alarm kit 2 days ago and realized the exit delay option is still not customizable. 30s is far too long. Anybody who breaks into my house will smash the box within these 30s. And 0s is obviously too short.

Please add 5 or 15 seconds to entry delay duration. 30 seconds is too long. In the event an intruder breaks in… A lot can happen in 30 seconds.

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Please add/allow entry/exit delay values under 30 seconds (custom or at least 10/15 seconds), 30 seconds is way too long…

@Caitlyn_Ring this would be a great feature for so many people. Would you please pass this to the team to consider developing the change?

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My first post here, and really I just registered to the forum for the express purpose of echoing the same confusion and frustration as everyone else on this. It’s crazy this hasnt been addressed by Ring yet…

The time delay options for entry make no sense over 30 seconds. They should be intervals UNDER 30 seconds. Ring is basically saying if myself or my girlfriend don’t have our phones, or otherwise forget while coming home late, we’re forced to blast our apartment complex with 120 decibel alarm at 2am (or whenever) until we disarm manually, but if we don’t want that, we’re forced to give criminals a 30 second breach buffer to do whatever they want before we know… Unacceptable!