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Community Guidelines
Ring welcomes you to the Ring Community (or “Community”) - a peer-to-peer forum offering guidance and positive, constructive interaction for all neighbors. Reading the Community does not require you to be logged in. However, if you would like to share feedback or post a question, you will need to log into the Community. No sweat- it’s simple! Simply log in, by clicking the 'Sign In' button on the top right side and use the same email address and password as your Ring.com account. ![login|690x78](upload://ePPU8wal5qRlwIKAD45CcWkBxs4.png) By using, accessing, reviewing or posting to the Ring Community, you agree to Ring’s Terms of Service and our Privacy Notice. Be sure to check out our New Community Member Checklist for more tips when joining the Community. If you wish to participate, you must abide by our Community Guidelines below. Always contact support first If you're having trouble with your Ring device and need extensive troubleshooting, we ask that you first contact support. You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, installation, and/or network may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Some advice you find here may even be wrong. Instead, give our team a ‘ring’! The team is always willing to help you through any problems or questions you may have. Protect the privacy of you and others Don't share private or personal information with others, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or account information. Obey the law You may not use the Ring Community to engage in or support illegal activities. For example, you may not post or share any content that violates copyright, trademark, or other rights of Ring or third parties. We also won't tolerate any discussion of illegal activities, including (but not limited to) drug use, hacking, or piracy. Stay relevant It’s easy to get sidetracked, but let’s make sure that when we are commenting or answering other neighbors’ posts, we are staying as close to the topic as we can. Please keep this in mind, as well, when you are posting to ensure it is featured in the correct discussion forum. Please do not post duplicate messages in different areas of the Community, or spam the same reply in several threads and posts. Remember to use the search feature before posting to see if your question has already been answered. Please do not use the Ring Community to promote your own content unless it is relevant in answering a question. No “trolling” Please leave all rude posts at the door. Ring does not permit any type of trolling, which may include hijacking or taking a thread drastically off topic, shaming, personal attacks, etc. If you are trolling, we will remove your posts and your account will be permanently banned. If banned for trolling, you will not be permitted to participate again. Ring Community is here to help one another. If you find yourself becoming flustered or trying to help a neighbor out, but feel ‘neglected’, step back. A neighbor reserves the rights to follow or not follow your comments or suggestions. Always remember to show your gratitude to those who have helped you or inspired you! Don’t post or ask for coupons or discounts The Ring Community is for personal, non-commercial use. This is not the space to buy or sell goods. Please do not share referral links in the community. Any such posts will be deleted and can result in suspension or a ban. Look for promotions, when available, to be provided from the Ring Community team. Any such behavior will be removed and can result in a suspension or ban. Moderator rights The Ring Team reserves the right to remove or modify any post, including those that violate these Guidelines, the Terms of Service or the Privacy Notice. The Community Team may reach out to neighbors in a private message, in which case any information is considered private to both parties. We will never ask you for payment or passwords, but may on occasion present the option to provide us with your account email, to communicate with you directly in regards to a specific post or concern. This will also assist the team with gathering more information on trending topics or aid with in-depth follow-ups from support. We may also ban any neighbor at our sole discretion. We will always communicate with you via private message to inform you of any decision. We ask that you do the same if you need to comment on a moderation action as to not disrupt the rest of the community. Please note, these guidelines are subject to update without notice and we urge neighbors to check the guidelines on a regular basis. Ring Employees in the Community Please be mindful that any official Ring employee in the community will have an admin badge next to their username. These employees, including, but not limited to Community Manager, Moderator and Blog Authors, are here to step in and offer guidance and may be able to help out when assistance is requested. Remember, Ring community is a peer-to-peer platform, not a direct customer support channel and if you need direct customer support, please give us a call for immediate assistance. Find all support phone numbers, here. ### Flag inappropriate content for review If you recognize any violation of these guidelines, please notify us within the community by choosing "Report Inappropriate Content" from the message's Options menu and let us know why you feel the content is inappropriate. If you have any questions about our guidelines, terms, or policies, let us know. ### Feedback & Ideas & Community assistance ### We want this community to be the best it possibly can be. Please reach us directly at XXXX@XXX.com on how we can improve your experience on the Community forum.




12-03-2019 09:30:42

Responses (21)

I posted about an incident this weekend where pranksters were ringing, kicking and banging at my door. On 2 separate occasions 12mid and 2am. Then they took a post from the horse trail and jammed my door so when someone comes out it whacks them on the head. This is why we bought this system. Now I'm getting rude comments from neighbors 16 and 17. Laughing at my situation and saying how funny this all is. What can be done about them. How can the ring community help!


25-11-2019 05:16:53

That’s unfortunate, and certainly unfunny. We are just now setting everything up, and they recommend contacting Ring, first, for any problems. Maybe they can help!


25-11-2019 08:04:35

Sorry to hear about this experience @Mommabear! We do have a team of moderators who ensure all posts follow the [Ring Neighbors Community Guidlines](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004851266-Ring-Neighbors-Community-Guidelines). If someone is behaving outside of these guidelines, you are able to flag comments or posts you deem as inappropriate, which will then be sent to our moderation team for a secondary review. I hope this helps! :)


26-11-2019 03:54:36

Yes, thank you! I have done that but I see they are continuing to do this. I see it on my notifications but when I click on the actual site I can't see it. But they do continue, can we find out who they are to contact authorities. They seem suspicious and now they are taunting us.


26-11-2019 04:08:40

Keep trying.


30-11-2019 03:11:13

I have noticed a lot of posts where some Neighbors are very rude making fun of people for what they posted even though it is within the guidelines of what is appropriate to post. Just because they may not be interested in what someone posted they make very rude comments telling people to quit posting certain things because they’re tired of all the notifications. It really just boggles my mind why they belong to this if they don’t want to be notified of possible criminal activity or suspicious people etc. But even more so is how unneighbourly their comments are. Something needs to be done because this makes people afraid to post because they are worried about the harassment others may inflict upon them.


09-12-2019 06:29:39

Hello, my family and I are new to the Ring community.


24-12-2019 12:25:15

Welcome, @BW57! We hope you find the information you are looking for, which much can be found in our various product-related boards or by searching. Feel free to also post about your experiences, observations, answers, and feedback, as well as share your feature requests with us. Thank you for being the best part of our Community, neighbor!


24-12-2019 04:08:16

Thank you


13-01-2020 11:54:51

Did I do something wrong because I have. Only seen this yesterday. I didn't know there was a forum in the first place? Not sure what the forum. Is for. Sorry if anything was wrong but don't know why I keep getting posts from here in the first place?


30-06-2020 01:41:21



22-12-2020 08:08:04

Didn't find an answer ?

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