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Can't enter new credit card
The credit card I had on file no longer exists, so I got an email this morning from Ring saying I needed to put in a new card. I went to my account, clicked on "Update" in the payment method, and a pop-up gives me the option to either delete the payment method or replace. I tried replace, and a form for a new credit card flashes up for less than a second and returns to the delete or replace. I've tried both the web page from a desktop, and on my phone. Same behavior. There doesn't seem to be any way for me to provide a new credit card. I guess Ring doesn't want me to re-up?




12-12-2019 02:33:41

Responses (11)

Hi there, @Horsefly. I apologize you were having this trouble on the website, we will share this experience with the team here! If you give our support a call at 1-800-656-1918, they can help you add your credit card onto your account over the phone so you don't have to worry about this.


12-12-2019 10:13:06

For a number of reasons, I don't give my credit card number out over the phone. I'll only do it via a secure web page, app, or in person. I guess I'll try again in a few days to see if this silly coding problem has been fixed. Otherwise I guess I'll just let my subscription lapse.


12-12-2019 10:15:40

Just a thought. Some credit card companies can give you a one time use credit number. They do this so your real card number is not used at all and helps secure your account. If you give them this over the phone, it can only be used once and your card remains safe and unknown. Hope this helps


13-12-2019 01:50:46

Actually, a one-time use CC number is what I plan to use, from CapitalOne. Thing is, it only works for on-line. I like them because I can use them and then lock them, and then services like Ring, Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, or whoever can't just automatically re-up me without me noticing. However, since it only works on-line, I have to wait until Ring fixes their bug.


13-12-2019 04:55:50

Great, I see you know the tricks too. I hate auto renewals. That's a great way to no let it happen.


13-12-2019 05:32:08

Well, it's been almost two weeks and there doesn't seem to be any improvement in the Ring payment page. The problem remains the same: When I try to update the payment method, a form briefly pops up and then disappears before I can put in a credit card. I know it isn't something on my side, as I've tried several places: Desktop on Chrome (both regular and incognito), desktop on MS Edge, Chromebook, and phone app. I can't put in a payment method, so my subscription runs out. Like I said, I'm not interested in giving my credit card to someone over the phone. Any other ideas? I guess Ring no long wants my business.


23-12-2019 07:51:33



01-02-2020 01:52:46

Hey Roz. I think you have a couple of choices. First, you could call them. If you are comfortable with giving your credit card number to them on the phone, you are good. While you are at it, you can tell them about the issue with their web page, and I'm sure the person taking your credit card will ignore you. (Not their job) Second, you can just ignore the problem. Don't stress about it. Let your subscription run out. You will get an email when it has run out, then you can make a choice. You could just drop your suscription (it's almost like that's what they want you to do), or you can log in on-line and start a new subscription. There you can enter your new credit card number with none of the issues that we've been seeing here. Sad that nobody at Ring seems to care about this issue. Edit to add: I don't know if @Chelsea\_Ring (who originally responded to my issue in this thread almost 2 months ago) even works there any more, but maybe this forum has a way to send her a direct message? Might be worth a try.


01-02-2020 02:13:20

Trying to use a CapitalOne Eno credit card # to create payment for basic plan, and the form just won't accept it for some reason. All other online sites work just fine in accepting virtual CC number, but ... not Ring. What gives? Why make it hard for people to give you money? I need to review video for a housekeeping event, and I can't, because I can't give Ring my money. Crazy.


03-02-2020 04:49:47

If you plan or trial ran out, you wouldn't be able to retrieve any videos before you renewed.


03-02-2020 05:00:16

Had the same issue also, just realized it doesn't accept cards online through the website( IOS) but used the RING APP on my Samsung phone and it worked. I called the call center, WOW it was harder for her to add than me, so I hung up before the automated card feature she switched me too got started. Payment encryption software is their issue, not sure what third party they use but, might want to explore better options.


04-02-2020 02:13:18

Today is February 7, 2020, and I am having the exact same problem trying to change my credit card number as the one Ring has is no longer valid. Does Ring monitor this forum? Do they have an email support address? Why is this still a problem? They want to charge the old card on March 8, 2020. Any suggestions???


08-02-2020 01:42:15

Hi, OP here. Like I said further up-thread, what I did was just let my subscription expire. Then when I went in to start a new subscription it used a different page (one that works) to enter the credit card #. Someone from Ring did respond to my initial post, but maybe that's all they do. If the conversation on a thread continues, maybe no one from Ring looks at it. That would seem stupid, but....


08-02-2020 02:58:01

[katpeters1211]( email support address


14-02-2020 05:41:32

Same issue ... it's now March 17 and apparently no one from Ring Support ever reads these.


17-03-2020 08:59:34

Hi @Chip! The Community is a peer to peer environment where neighbors can interact, share ideas, assist one another, and ask questions. If you are needing account specific or in-depth support, we recommend reaching out to our [support team]( anytime!


18-03-2020 10:48:17

18 June 2020: [still] can't update or remove payment methods from the web site.


18-06-2020 05:17:55

Same here. THe Ring subscription payment system is broken as far as I can tell... I have a pretty useless chunk of tech fixed to my door. I have been trying periodically to add a payment method always with the same error.


18-06-2020 07:27:34

Hey neighbors! As mentioned in the thread, you will need to ensure you are using a [proper form of payment]( when trying to add one to your Ring account to purchase goods or a plan. If you are unable to add your card for whatever reason, we recommend contacting our support team. As we are a neighbor to neighbor support forum, we are unable to see why you could not add a card to your account. For support, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here]( If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ]( see how to contact support. Feel free to come back to this thread and report how support was able to resolve this concern, or anything else you'd like to follow up on!


18-06-2020 02:32:42

This item is not fixed. I finally had to call customer support and have the old card removed. THen I had to validate the account by answering a verrification code back to teh customer support person. THen they contacted theirt manager who was finally able to remove the old expired card from my payment profile. Only then could I put in my new credit card number. Not very good for a service who wants to use online payments.


22-06-2020 05:19:34

The problem has been there for months and RING has not fixed the problem. To make matters worse when I called to update the credit 3 months ago card they didn't change change so now I get an email my credit card is not valid. So now I'm stuck with the same problem. I think it's time to try something different!


24-06-2020 03:12:16

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