Auto-shut off after motion stuck at 1 minute

Auto-shut off for my two outside light bulbs (after motion detected on ring pro) only leaves them on for 1 min no matter what time setting I set them to. I have updated the ring app forgot the bulbs and the bridge from my account and then re-added them all back. Same issue continues. Anything else I should try?

Hi there, @mastca! You are certainly doing everything correctly here. Although your light groups have an auto-shutoff duration, when it comes to linked devices there is a default 1 minute duration. While this cannot be changed in the Ring app, additional integration options are available through Smart Lighting Alexa routines. If these options do not obtain exactly what you are looking for, feel free to add this request on our Feature Request Board. This way other neighbors can share their interest in one place, that we can organize and share with our teams here. :slight_smile: