Additional Owner to one Location

Please upvote this feature request in the forum:

Please enable multiple users with owner-level privileges of shared devices.

Designate a 3rd user type between Owner and Shared User, such as “Full-Access User” or “Co-Owner” or “Delegated Owner”.

This user should have the ability to:

  • access and playback recordings
  • receive motion alerts
  • add other shared users
  • adjust battery/wifi and other technical settings
  • adjust all other device settings

With the caveat:

  • no ability to close/cancel/transfer ownership of shared device/ account.

Thank you.


It is quite disappointing that Ring does not offer the ability to have two owners for the same camera devices.

This is not a random ask that adds no value. For households where two partners want to have full control over the system this matters a lot.

I my case, my wife is the device owner, and more often than not I have to bother her to do this or that because I cannot be an owner. If she happens to not be available for whatever reason, then I can’t configure the camera. This can turn into a safety problem if, say, what I’m trying to do is enable motion detection.


Absolutely. Ring should add a way to both:

  1. Have additional Owners, with equal shared full access/control (ie spouses, couples)


  1. Give Shared Users the ability to add/control Guest access codes, and other heightened controls (ie tenants)

This is mind boggling to me that my husband , who is a shared user, cannot add guest codes!

And it is frustrating to my tenant (other property) as well that they cannot add guest codes.

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Ring are you listening?

Its wild that my wife cannot add guests or control lights or get mailbox sensor alerts.

I want Ring to add a feature where 2 people can have “main” controls over the Ring system. This will help spouses control their devices without needing another person to go on and update.

I am the “shared user.” My wife sleeps during days, and when I snooze the doorbell through my app (so it doesn’t wake her up), it still makes the noise - it just snoozes the notifications on my phone. There should be a way to add a spouse so there can be 2 accounts that have full functionality of the controls. I don’t want to have to have my wife’s phone to change the settings.

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Same issue. Any fixes?


Please add this feature! The limitations with shared users right now doesn’t work in housesholds with users who should have equal rights. For now, while we have a shared user for purposes of having a separate alarm code, we share a login to the app. This is a security nightmare, especially when Ring suggests using two-factor authentication for logins.


Great minds think alike! The suggestion seems to be gaining traction in this post. It might be good idea to pile-on to that one so it bubbles to the top of the list.


Please allow spouses to have same full (or at least more robust) functionality in the Ring app. Nest does a much better job at this.
This might be a reason for me to return my Ring 3 Plus and go for Nest.

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I agree. I’m married and my spouse has complete control over our security system. Sometimes I feel trapped in my own house. I cannot turn off cameras watching me and I cannot turn off chime notifications.

This seems like a huge liability for ring if a spouse becomes abusive. Seems like Ring is just waiting for a wrongful death lawsuit.

I’m also surprised that only spouses are complaining. There are probably loads of couples living together lawfully with this same problem, and Ring is supporting their imprisonment and abuse.


It’s incredible that this isn’t the case already. How do they think a household works? The last person to leave should turn on and the first person to get home should turn it off. No other arrangements makes sense. Multiple people operating the system should be a given if the Ring company wants to present themselves as a potential alarm system vendor.


It is ridiculous that two equals in the same household cannot have equal rights on the Ring system, it is 2022 not 1922!

Even if you have to have Owner and Shared User there should be a way to give the lowly Shared User full access to all settings.


Shared users can disarm the alarm, but not disable motion detection on cameras. This seems almost counterintuitive as the current fix is to share the owner account with the other person, and that is not very security oriented (users should have their own accounts). Can we the option to disable motion detection added for shared users or perhaps create a power user account that has most if not all the same rights as owner?

I agree this would be a very useful option. The owner should be able to choose the options that shared users have access to e.g. a basic option (same as the shared user settings as they are now) and a second option to give each shared user the ability to turn on and off motion sensing.

Ring, please add multiple owners or the option for enhanced permissions to Shared Users. Partners and family members who need this option will just end up sharing the owner account and worsening their security.

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Good grief, why isn’t this feature already incorporated?! Stunned that it’s not and so frustrated! My mom is old and terrible with technology, but I bought 2 ring floodlights to help with security at her house. My brother and I both live in different countries from her and from each other. I was counting on one of us also being able to manage the system at a distance and to also give her control of the system. I would have purchased a different system if I had known this would be such a rigmarole, especially with 2-factor authentication.


Issues like this are making me deeply regret choosing Ring. This is a basic quality-of-life feature for people who share housing. Devices like this are supposed to make my life easier, not harder.


Adding to the pile-on here, requesting the ability to add either 2-‘owners’ or enhanced features that can be chosen for selected ‘shared users’.
Setup a new Wi-Fi system in the house, but wife is out of town. So now all our cameras & doorbell are ‘offline’ because I cannot even see the option to change the Wi-Fi in the app due to only being in the ‘shared user’ class.
Unbelievable that about 140 people have been asking for this nearly 3-yrs now & it’s apparently more important to have the app dashboard updated to look nicer. :roll_eyes:

I hope this gets addressed soon & this isn’t just some echo chamber for disgruntled customers.

I especially agree with @CCGlobetrotter & @MusicEcon in here…this feature needs to be added!!

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Ring: having a single Owner for each location is not only impractical but also reinforces old fashioned power dynamics as it requires one half of a couple to have more rights than the other, putting one in an inferior position that has THROUGH YOUR DESIGN no control over how house surveillance works. Can you not see the problems you are creating? This is not just about practicalities, this us about building your system to make one person more powerful than the other.