Adding my wife as a user

Hi… The app is working fine with my new camera.

I want to add my wife to access the same doorbell. I sent an add user to her email but confused by some instructional videos. Some say she has to have her own account.

Can someone guide me please?

Hi @Grazuncle. Yes, your wife will need to have her own Ring account using the email address you sent the Shared User invite to. After she creates her own Ring account, she can accept the Shared User invitation and then view the Doorbell in the Ring app.

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I had a problem even following this routine.

I contacted Ring online chat… and they gave me the same routine but the invitation or accepting it never popped up on my wife’s app.

In the end the representative suggested deleting the original invitation to share off my app and adding it fresh.

It worked immediately after trying that.

All working on my wife’s app now… pleased