2-Factor Authentication for more than one phone

Novel idea…(I do not believe this can currently be done in the Ring app). I like and appreciate 2-factor authorization for security purposes. Here’s the problem, wife and I both log in using the same creds. As far as I can tell, there is only one phone number allowed. I’ve seen several sites that have radio buttons for multiple phone numbers, allowing you to select the button for the number you have. That would work great for my wife & I so if she wanted in, the security code would be sent to her phone.




@Tarheelbill wrote:

Here’s the problem, wife and I both log in using the same creds.

I agree, that is the problem. My wife is set up as a shared user with her own credentials.

Yes I agree. Two factor is worthless without this option. How does ring not support this.

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Not worthless for me and many more.

@Tacticalbear wrote:
Yes I agree. Two factor is worthless without this option. How does ring not support this.

I think you misunderstood my answer . . . I think the problm is you have two people using the same login . . . I agree THAT is the problem. Not having one 2FA number per account.

But 2-Factor that’s only available via SMS is insecure (SIM spoofing and number-hijacking are common). It would make more sense to use something like an authenticator app to generate rolling codes (e.g. Google Authenticator), or a USB/Bluetooth security key (e.g. U2F like yubico.com).

These would also solve the problem at hand, as multiple separate 2-Fs could be enrolled against the one account.