Error message when trying to create new mode
When I try to create a mode for my doorbell and security cam I get the error message that reads, "Something went wrong. You did everything right. This was just a little glitch. Try again.". When I select, "Got it" I'm provided three options, Disarmed, Home and Away. Selecting anyone of these options gives me no options to select to create a new mode. Am I dimwitted or is this a bug?
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19-03-2023 06:37:19
Responses (1)
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Hi @user39903. At this time, there is not an option to create a custom Mode. There is a [Mode Schedule](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060532451-How-to-Arm-and-Disarm-Ring-Alarm-with-Mode-Schedules) feature, which requires a Ring Alarm system to use. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what feature you're trying to use in the Ring app? That way I can provide the appropriate troubleshooting steps.
20-03-2023 08:36:09