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Ring protection plan invoice

Good afternoon I bought a RIng Protection Plan, but I never received any receipt or invoice. This receipt or invoice is needed for my accountancy. According to the confirmation email, I can find it in my account under my "payment cycle". Although, this is only for Ring Hardware. Under my "subscriptions" it only says when I will receive the new invoice and which devices are at my location. Please advice. Greetings




01-03-2020 01:36:34

Responses (12)

  • E

    Call customer service. Call Us US: +1(800) 656-1918 (24/7) US: +1(888) 981-8993 (Español - 24/7) INTL: +1(310) 929-7085 (24/7)


    01-03-2020 05:30:20


      this is a joke? right? Making a phonecall from Europe to America to get an invoice? The costs of the call will be higher than the subscription itself. I thought this was a decent company. In Europe we even get a receipt by email after paying. At Ring's? none, zero, zip! When I login to my account, I can only when I need to pay again. This way, it ain't going to happen.


      06-03-2020 12:39:58


      @Seppe We do have international numbers which you can find [here]( Additionally, you can chat in at any time, or email your request to All of these options can ensure that you get the invoice that you need!


      06-03-2020 07:09:03


      Agreed this is just plain lazy. Receipts should be a basic part of any subscription service. They are legaly required. Please make this the default in a hurry or I will have to find another service.


      26-04-2020 03:23:04


      Please site the federal code stating that a corp. sba, LLC or SP is required to provide a receipt of service? I am curious...


      26-04-2020 03:37:09


      We will send this feedback to the appropriate team at Ring. Thank you!


      27-04-2020 06:01:52

  • S

    I need the recipt for the protection plan, please handle this asap. After reading above I find it unacceptable that you don’t handeling this as a default. This is a legal requirement. Should not be a problem to program in to the websystem. If this will be a problem now and in the future I will end my protection plan for the future and stop upgrade to futher products from Ring. Maybe Arlo have better invoice support... // Mike


    05-01-2021 01:31:06

    • J

      Invoices should be made available without having to engage in a call. It is a legal document confirming the sale of goods or services between companies. By making the invoice difficult to obtain Ring are actually in violation of European law. I'll be lodging a formal complaint and I suggest you do as Arlo do, issure it automatically and make it available via account management.


      06-01-2021 02:41:35

      • T

        I'm in New Zealand and like most countries around the world, we require a receipt of purchase for business accounting. Transaction receipts (both online and offline) are a fundamental requirement of sale and purchase agreements. To NOT offer them is against the law in most countries and usually considered a flag for unlawful transactions. So I start a chat with Ring. The not so welcoming rep said this: **ME:** Why does Ring not send a payment receipt and invoice for the protection plan subscription. By law, we must receive them **TEVIN P:** That's not actually true and when you sign up in the terms and conditions you agree to an automatic renewal bases which does not require invoices being sent. **ME:** Well actually you are obliged to sent invoices and receipts as part of standard e-commerce. The fact that you don't yet refer to terms and conditions is a bit of a worry. Why not make purchase history available to your own customers? You allow purchase history on hardware and show the current plan but not billing history. Many countries Australia, NZ, Canada etc require invoices for tax reasons, why make it hard for the customer **TEVIN P:** I assure you sir that is not accurate but I am more than happy to forward your feedback. As I Ring support representative my word in this official capacity requires I am truthful **ME:** Assurance requires backing up with facts and evidence. All I want to know is WHY Ring does not supply its customers with transaction history against payments (financial evidence of transaction and breakdown of cost) Do you charge GST to me as I'm in NZ? So some support reps "assurances" are apparently enough to take to the NZ Inland Revenue Service. But because I'm not a complete dunce, I went through the difficult process to demand a receipt. Once I got it I see that yes GST was charged (good to know) and that Ring uses Stripe... Stripe has full transaction histories that can be easily accessed via an API and included on the Ring account management service. But they are too lazy, stupid, or just don't care about their obligations to their customers or their satisfaction in the product and service. Customer retention fail.


        03-03-2021 12:56:00

        • S

          again .... 1 year later ... same shit ... same company again I paid for my subscription .... but guess what .... no invoice. Also the promised email with the link to download the new incoive ... never received the only thing that keeps me here, is that the hardware is good. but the sales or administration are a mess


          16-03-2021 06:31:23

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