Smart Lighting

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Ring light schedule not working

I just recently installed the ring light for the front step. I set up the schedule to turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn. It just never works for me. Anyone else is having a similar issue? A lot of time too, when it's supposed to be off, it's on. In this case, I turn it off manually. But within minutes, it turn on by itself. Anyone has suggestions on how to fix this?




13-01-2021 10:04:04

Responses (6)

  • M

    Hi there, @vutama1109! If the light scheduling has never worked, it may be an error in saving these preferences. Optimal connection between your mobile device, Ring app, Ring device, and home network will help to ensure that your in app actions or changes are saved and initiated properly. Please ensure there is not a vpn enabled on the mobile device, or any [android apps that might conflict the Ring app]( Try removing and reinstalling the Ring app, and recreating the desired light schedule. I recommend also checking for any linked devices. If you have a Ring Camera linked to a Smart Lighting group, this may interfere with the light scheduling options. I hope this helps! :)


    14-01-2021 03:56:21


      Hi, no I don't have any VPN installed. I only have a Ring doorbell and a ring stick up camera. There's no schedule set either. Also, whenever I found the light is on, I switch it off. But within a minute it turn back on by itself.


      15-01-2021 05:32:45


      Reinstalled the app and still having the same issue.


      15-01-2021 06:56:38

  • M

    Thank you for completing those steps, @vutama1109! If that did not resolve this concern, and there are not any linked devices causing this, this might require a closer look from our support team. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here]( If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ]( see how to contact support.


    15-01-2021 07:15:21

    • B

      You probably have the same problem most of us have noticed where the light turns on 4 hours earlier than your set time so you have to set the time to turn on 4 hours later than you actually want it. Ring should have stopped selling this productor removed the echeduling festure judging by how many posts about this issue there is. I still have the issue that the light shuts off at 1:00 a.m. no matter what time I have set and I have to toggle the whole schedule off and on to get them to come back on. Makes you wonder if the company's just being sabotaged.


      26-07-2022 05:38:08

      • M

        I was having the same problem. Where I could set a schedule as long as I had a time involved. But the dusk till dawn feature did not work. I found that you need to make sure that your location is set to allow all the time. Once I did this I was able to set up the dusk till dawn schedule successfully.


        02-05-2023 11:09:57


          Did you ever solve your issue? I have the same problem and have tried all the troubleshooting steps. I only have one light, it's the floodlights attached to a camera with motion detection. I tried with and without the dusk-dawn schedule, with and without motion detection turned on, and by turning it on manually at night, but it still just randomly turns off at night. I just gave it permission to access location all the time instead of only when the app is used, will see if that helps.


          01-09-2023 09:44:46

      • J

        Hi @coman. I was able to find this Community [post]( that has other neighbors experiencing the same concern as you with their Floodlight Cam. There is a marked solution as well for you to review.


        04-09-2023 04:57:38


          @Justin_Ring thanks for finding that post. That seems to be the same issue. I read through the whole thread and sadly I've already tried everything that was mentioned there and I still have the same issue. Unfortunately that thread is closed and I cannot add my reply to it.


          12-09-2023 05:16:12


          I found a hacky workaround, it's not perfect but it works, unfortunately nothing that was suggested here or in other similar threads fixed this problem. It's also very unfortunate that these threads get closed for some reason making customers with same or similar issues unable to have an ongoing, productive, and helpful discussion. I used Tasker app on the phone. There you can make a profile that would execute every 2 minutes. It can check if it's daytime or nighttime and then turn on or off the camera flood lights. The lights can be controlled in Tasker with AutoVoice app connected to Alexa routines by connecting Ring skill in the Alexa app and creating routines to turn the lights on and off.


          09-10-2023 05:01:32

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