Ring Updates
Ring is greedy
Ring is doubling the price for our subscriptions without reason. We're not talking about an increase from $1 to $2. We're talking about an increase from $99.99 to $199.99. I called Ring support and spoke to a representative - you can probably guess the results of that discussion since I'm here posting. Below is the text of the email from Ring. "Important updates to your subscription. Starting on your first renewal after April 8, 2025, your Ring Plus (1st Gen) subscription will be transitioned to Ring Home Standard with Alarm Professional Monitoring. With this plan, you’ll continue to enjoy all your current benefits, including professional monitoring features. Your price will increase to $19.99/month or $199.99/year, plus applicable taxes. Option to renew at your current price: If you'd like to renew at your plan's current price, you can remove Alarm Professional Monitoring from your plan before your renewal. Here's how: 1. Simply log in to your account at Ring.com. 2. Select the ‘Plan’ tab. You can also find your renewal date on this tab. 3. Choose 'Cancel Alarm Professional Monitoring'. If you cancel Alarm Professional Monitoring, your cancellation will be effective immediately, and you will lose access to this feature. Your subscription will then change to Ring Home Standard. Thank you for being a valued customer and choosing Ring."
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13-03-2025 08:42:33
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