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SD card not recording
SD card not recording. I’ve been on the phone with customer support for hours. Anyone else have this problem? It is an important feature of this system.
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07-12-2023 07:45:31
Responses (2)
- U
do not use the microSD card, keep everything in the cloud. there are no advantages at all. Very slow, and also you can lose all info. Videos are encrypted even if you dont want them to be. no way to back up. Stay in the Cloud. Local MicroSD stored videos are encrypted by default and a trouble to back up
14-01-2024 03:54:56
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Hi @user70158. To confirm, do you have the Ring Alarm Pro and a Security Camera that is [compatible]( with Ring Edge? We have various troubleshooting steps for the Ring Edge feature [here](, including a section on troubleshooting the microSD card. Keep in mind that standard SD cards will not work, it must be a microSD card.
08-12-2023 07:01:33