Ownership transfer
I have been waiting for transfer of Ring device for 20days now, even though the previous owner deleted the device in their App. This takes to loong time
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23-08-2023 08:56:12
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Hi @NicolaiHenriksen. Since the Ring Community is a public forum, we do not have access to any account or device information. Any questions regarding [device ownership](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038010351-How-to-Take-Over-or-Change-Ownership-of-a-Ring-Device), or trying to transfer device ownership, should be handled with our support team. You can give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406#callus). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.
23-08-2023 04:16:33