Feature Request Board
Disable white LED ring on hardwired doorbell
I'm having a lot of people press my doorbell late at night. I think this is related to the big glowing white ring when my 2nd Gen doorbell is hard wired. Need the ability to turn this off.
7883 •
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30-11-2021 08:13:29
Responses (32)
- R
Could we get an option to disable the solid white light on the ring wired doorbell. I'm talking about the **Wired** doorbell. I know the battery operated ones have a white light to show errors, but the wired door bell has this on in normal mode. Please give us the option to turn it off to save electricity and to not attract attention. At today's pricing it costs us around £30 a year for a white light we don't want or need.
22-03-2022 01:41:54
- U
I don't want this light on neither! Considering returning due to that
05-05-2022 04:55:44
- U
Me too, the light is a beacon for passerby's. I get idiots that see the light and make a beeline for it...one this morning at 6am for god's sake, let us disable the light!!!!
04-09-2022 08:34:54
- O
Yep, just installed my Wired doorbell...... will have to switch it off at night based on last nights number of prank pressing. Making it fundamentally useless if I have to turn it off at night. PLEASE give us the OPTION of turning it off.
05-09-2022 07:34:06
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Having same problem with white ring light on all the time.I dont think it can be turned off anywhere in setting.If i find one i will let you know.
01-12-2021 07:24:19