Feature Request Board

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Custom Modes

Although this has been mentioned in various ways by proposing different options on modes or singular new modes for our specific use cases... I think the best and simplest solution for Ring is to just offer “Custom Modes”. Let the user just make as many modes as they want for their purposes with custom labels. For example: “Sleep Mode”, “Pet Home Alone Mode”, “Night Mode”, “Guest Mode”, etc. With each mode, you choose which sensors to arm, which to monitor (not arm), and which to deactivate entirely. The variables depend on individual use cases, and just adding one more mode is not enough for people. Make as many modes as your home needs! Wanted to post fresh with just this as the idea/subject, but kudos if you agree!




18-04-2020 08:35:02

Responses (116)

  • J

    I would like to propose that you can have some sort of sub-mode or the mode changes depending on time of day (with an option to confirm the change on the phone for example first via a notification). The problem is: at night I want my indoor cameras in the living room to trigger with motion, but during the day I do not want them too. So on home mode I cannot have both, and obviously at night I dont want to set to away as the motion sensor in the main bedroom would go off. Ring and amazon have also had months and months of requests that you can set your echo (or all devices such as iPads) to automatically show the video screen when someone rings the doorbell. This should be very simple and have been done by now. Please also make the Yale lock usable via the Ring app in the UK. I had it installed thinking it was possible, then was told only in the USA. Frustrating!


    16-03-2020 10:56:13


      Completely agree. There should be a Night/Sleeping Mode. This can be like an in between of Home and Away... the primary reason is you might want to have a kitchen sensor or back door not armed during home (say you have a dog, letting them out etc during the day), but it should be armed while you’re asleep.


      18-04-2020 08:21:23


      This is what I am looking for, I need a night only mode for when im at home. I don't want it on all day capturing people walking past my house as the battery runs down very quickly. Can we set it to night only in some way without having to change it to 'away' manually each night. I thought it would have this simple option.. but I can't find it???


      06-07-2020 09:07:49

  • 5

    I own the Ring alarm, and 4 outdoor cameras, and 2 indoor cameras, and I'd like to request a 4th Mode. I'd like to see a 4th Sub-Disarmed Mode available, that's totally configurable like the other 3 Modes, where you could kill the recording of all motion with one touch/click. I recently got the Modes update, which works very, very well. When disarmed, I initially only left my DB Pro camera active, while disabling my other outdoor cameras. I've since re-enabled the other 3 outdoor cameras when in Disarmed mode. I prefer to be alerted to anything outside, if I'm inside. However, I don't need those all enabled if I'm cutting my grass, or having people over and hanging out back. Somethign like a sub-disarmed mode could allow to just sort of kill-all. Now, I realize I could just go into each individual camera and just disable motion, and THAT'S fine. I'm sincerely so thrilled just to now HAVE that option (since the Modes update) on my Flood and Spotlight cams). I could see disabling each one, one at a time to be quite cumbersome for those that have several outdoor cameras. --just my thoughts for improvement. I see some others have also requested a 4th mode, but not with these features... maybe a 4th mode which we could label and name whatever best suits our personal situation, and allow it to be configured like the other 3? So maybe to me it's "Sub-Disarm" while to others it's "Home w/ Motion Active" --all based on how you configure it.


    19-03-2020 10:32:29

    • R

      I’ve been beta testing with Ring for quite some time. I’ve also been a very early adopter since the beginning of their retail products and I’ve also been telling them they need to add a feature for quite some time. Here is the problem, if I have someone working in my yard, I have to snooze notifications as the motion alerts drive us and the dog crazy. The problem is, snoozing them for 4 hours has to be done on every device, my iPad, my wife’s iPad, my android phone and my wife’s iPhone. There is NO snooze all. Then I have to reverse all if the yard work is done quickly so back to each device. How about adding a new MODE. Disarmed will be everything off including my alarm. Home Mode can be the alarm not activated but motion alerts telling me someone is walking on my lawn and my doors still chirp. A new mode called STAY or NiGHT mode could set the alarm, arm the doors to instantly trigger the alarm, notify me If there is motion in the yard etc but doesn’t arm internal motion sensors or internal doors. That new mode would be good for sleeping or showering. Finally away mode would arm everything. is this too much to ask?


      26-03-2020 08:24:11


        Just replying with a link to my similar feature request. We're both more/less asking for the same thing. Your post mght be a bit more clear than mine, so thanks! [https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/Sub-Disarmed-Mode/idi-p/23645](https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/Sub-Disarmed-Mode/idi-p/23645)


        31-03-2020 02:40:09


        Agree! Snooze all and an option to add another mode


        01-04-2020 07:15:59


        I agree when at our home and mode is disarmed I get bombarded with motion sensor and door open close notifications.....also doorbell and camera notifications. Don't really need that since we are the ones setting off all the sensors....please add this simple yet critical feature....


        03-04-2020 05:20:34


        A snooze all is so needed!


        09-04-2020 03:14:47




        18-04-2020 07:56:59

    • B

      Greetings! I love my rings products. Currently there are three modes to choose from: Disarmed, Home, and Away. The Home and Away modes can be customized to include or exclude various sensors which is fantastic. I believe the Rings system would be dramatically improved if users had the ability to add as many modes as they wanted. As it stands, I've customized my Home mode to arm only the perimeter and my Away mode to arm the perimeter and motion sensors (1st and 2nd floor). However when I'm asleep on the 2nd floor, I don't have an option to arm just the perimeter the 1st floor motion sensors. I would love the ability to add multiple modes to fit specific circumstances! In my opionion, adding this ability would take Ring to the next level.


      03-04-2020 02:59:42


        I appologize for the typos.


        03-04-2020 03:01:31


        Completely agree. There should be a Night/Sleeping Mode. This can be like an in between of Home and Away... the primary reason is you might want to have a kitchen sensor or back door not armed during home (say you have a dog, letting them out etc during the day), but it should be armed while you’re asleep. But you're right -- why not just let users make as many mode configurations as they want? That solves a lot of problems with one single feature :)


        18-04-2020 08:25:38


        This is exactly what is needed.


        22-04-2020 10:32:20


        Totally agree, we need something like sleeping mode. Could be divided onto Home Day and Home Night for example.


        13-06-2020 08:34:52

    • T

      I have to agree this would be great idea I was looking to see if there was a way to do this


      23-04-2020 05:06:50

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