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I found a bug! Need Help as well

I’ve been updating my email security and wanted to change the email on my Ring Account. Easy enough… I went to the dashboard, clicked update and pasted in my email. Like normal it says that it will send me an email for verification. This email never came. I’ve tried to have it re-send me the email multiple times without success. I’ve checked to make sure the email is accurate and have sent other emails to this address to verify it works. I’ve talked with Ring customer support on the phone (last night) and they said to wait 5+ hours… didn’t work. I think the issue is the character length of the email being too long. I’ve seen errors thrown up with other sites about having a character limit over 30… If this is the case with Ring as well yall need to prevent the user from being able to change their email to something longer than the character limit… I am currently locked out of my account and need help changing this email. I can’t believe an email change would lock me out when I have 2F set up. You’d think that would be enough to verify and re-change my email to something that works. Please advise!




14-05-2024 12:55:15

Responses (4)

  • C

    Interestingly enough it let me log into this forum with the same user information (aka the email that I can’t verify) When I did the app opened up on my phone notifying me that there was a log in with my info. Not sure if that helps… still can’t log into the main dashboard


    14-05-2024 01:07:35

    • C

      Customer support is saying that there is no other way to verify the account… This is insane. How does the whole account verification hinge on an email address?! In this case the email address is functioning but not receiving the email verifications from Ring, but what would happen if someone lost control of the email!? They just get locked out of their account?! wild… To add to the strange app behavior… If I go to log into the app it won’t let me get past the verify email page… but if I get a ring notification and click on it the app will open. While in the app under these conditions I’ve navigated to Account Settings to validate that the email has been changed and is accurate… When clicking to change the email from this page it gives me the validate request again. When trying to go to the control center it gives me the validate request Are there any Ring web developers on this forum? I need some help here.


      14-05-2024 04:19:46

      • C

        Ok so after looking back over my alias creation… I did change my email to an email that doesn’t exist… so that is on me for sure! but… having everything hinge on the email still seems rocky. What if someone makes a mistake? Like I just did…


        14-05-2024 04:33:20

        • C

          Bump - This is still a problem, Am I in the right forum?


          15-05-2024 01:06:50


            One fix would be for Ring support to have the ability to re-set to the previous email on the account… this would fix my problem In addition there are a plethora of ways to verify my identity… Test transactions to the card on file… A video call with me on it holding up my drivers license Official forms with a public notary The use of a 2 factor authentication app… in concert with my phone number on file I’ve been a Ring customer for years, this is a ridiculous flaw in such an otherwise clean user interface. In my opinion.


            15-05-2024 03:04:40


            Hi @ComplexCarb. You originally posted this question in the Feature Request Board. Changing your email to an email that doesn’t exist, will be problematic when trying to verify an email. I’m glad that you’ve got this sorted, and your feedback is noted. Thanks, neighbor.


            16-05-2024 04:38:46

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