Modi via Wifi instead of opening and tapping on all modi manually
I think your new modi-setting in the ring-app is a good idea! But it is very annoying to open the app when I leave my house to set the modi "away" by tapping it (in fact I forget it too often). My wife also uses the app and the setting affects both mobile-phones then! Why can you not connect the modi-setting within my wifi-homezone automatically just for the mobile -device which leaves or enters the home-wifi ??? So, when I leave my home (and my home-wifi-zone) the modi should switch to the "away-modi" just on my mobile and when I come back from work and enter my home-wifi the modi "home" should turn on as soon as my mobile logs into my home-wifi! This should happen for each ring-app-user seperatly. in a household...
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31-08-2020 09:41:05
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