Solar Pathlight Issue

I have a ticket open with Ring but wanted to post here as well.

Of my four solar pathlights, three of them are not charging. I noticed today a dramatic difference between the exposure of the solar panel on the units between the one that I have no issues with and the others that I am having issues with.

The one I have no issues with:

The ones I am having issues with:

As you can see the solar panels on the first one are prominent where the other is almost undetectable.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us neighbor! While there is indeed a difference in look to these Solar Panels, there is no difference in functionality. Good call on reaching out to our support team, as they should be able to assist best with resolving this concern.

To follow up on this, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support. :slight_smile: