Separate settings per Motion Zone including recording and notifications

same here, totally agree

I have exactly this same issue, this is important Ring!

@Ring We need this feature. What is the point of having multiple zones if notifications cannot be customized? I am going to start looking for another solution with the hope that you folks resolve this before I find something else.

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Agreed! I have a zone for my road, driveway and yard. I want notifications from 2 of the 3 and lights for just 1
I also wish the recordings were grouped by zone so I can easily review the driveway or yard recordings without sifting through the road zone recordings.

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I came here to look for this.

What is the purpose of having different Zones if they cannot be set up differently? It makes no sense.


@ring This would be a great feature to add! Please look into it!

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Totally agree with this.

I have a work van that I park on my driveway. I’d like to be able to have one bigger zone around my van that would be scheduled to alert me at night if there was a person near it set to people only mode. Then a second smaller zone on top of my van scheduled for the normal times my van would be on the drive during the night and weekends. This smaller zone would have people only mode turned off so that it detected if the van moved and could be set to high sensitivity. This would mean that someone coming up my driveway during the day at the weekend wouldn’t set off a notification but if the van moved it would.

Also it would be good to be able to name each zone and for notifications to indicate which zone has been triggered.


Hello Ring, can you hear any of us?
Can you please give us some indication that you are listening to this must have feature where multiple zones means you can get notifications from one of the zone but not the others? The perfect example is wanting to be notified if someone is walking up their driveway or front path, but the don’t want to be notified every time someone walks by on the sidewalk (even though they want recordings of the sidewalk zone).
Please give us some indication that you value your customers’ voices and want to keep those customers.
This feature, (and others such as being able to live-view multiple cameras at the same time like your competitors do), are very important and make the difference when a customer wonders if they should continue with a subscription plan and buy additional cameras or not.
Please publish a list of features that are in the works so we don’t feel like you are ignoring our requests!


Yeah I do not think they are listening. They just take your money and do nothing to improve their application. But I guess that is how Bezos becomes one of the richest people in the world. Since they do not want to update this extremely primitive application perhaps they would be open to releasing the source code and making it open source. This would allow some real developers to update this and make it look work better than a 6th grade “Hello World” project.

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Same here. Unfortunately there are many duplicates of this request so vote there too

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I have a floodlight camera and doorbell pro.

I currently have motion notifications turned off and my motion zones set to the whole view. I’d really like to be able to have my cameras record a certain zone, and only send me notifications for a smaller zone.

I would love to be able to adjust all of the settings per zone. For instance, I want one of my zones to be people only.


I was surprised that this didn’t have this kind of discriminating feature. I’d like to be able to turn on the long range zone at night to capture traffic on a small street, that I don’t need to get all the notifications during the day. There are only a few cars per night. But many during the day.

Same here. I was looking how to setup a schedule for different zones so I could have only monitor the front entrance during he day but a wider area overnight.

I really do not understand the point in creating different zones if you cannot manage them and schedule them separately.
Unless it is to hopefully be ready for this much needed enhancement!


I REALLY WANT THIS FEATURE. We have had some stupid stuff go down in nearby neighborhoods. I would like to record cars driving by temporarily and egg tossers on the aidewalk, but not be notified of it. I just want the ability to go look if I need to.


Agreed! Is it possible to toggle ON/OFF motion zones without deleting them? If not then may I suggest it? That was my original question, and your suggestion to add a schedule to do it is when better!


Please introduce the ability to toggle motion zones ON/OFF manually and in a schedule. At the moment the only option is deleting them.

I’ve seen others requests for additional features as well such as setting independent motion setting which would also be an vast improvement.

The Zones feature is good but could be so much more functional.

Independent motion zone control should allow one zone to create alerts, activate lights, honor time schedules etc. BUT THEN A SEPARATELY DEFINED ZONE ON THE SAME CAMERA would allow a DIFFERENT set of alerts, light control etc.

The primary use case - and I have seen several variations on the feature boards:
Camera on front of house:

  • want one zone to cover street and want video of street activity - BUT NOT MOTION ALERTS
  • and then a separate zone of my front yard/driveway WHERE I DO WANT MOTION ALERTS

Summary: independent control of each defined motion zone

It would be helpful if motion zones could be activated at different times of the day, separated from each other. For instance, if I park my car on the street, I only want notifications in that zone that surrounds my car from 10pm to 6am. But I still want motion in my other zones to remain 24/7. This would eliminate unwanted alerts in the street zone during daylight hours when my car is no longer parked there. Also, I used to have the ability to deactivate a zone, but now I have to delete it all-together if I want to eliminate those notifications. Where did that feature go?

I would like to see Ring fix the motion zones and stop breaking things!

You used to be able to disable zones without deleting them, but that was removed.

You used to be able to make complex zones with small adjustments, but that’s now broken too.

Now, I can’t move a zone’s anchor close to another one? It appears as though someone introduced a “minimum” zone sizing? Why?

Please listen to your customers and fix motion zones. A lot of people find this to be a critical feature and your changes are definitely not improving them.

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