Pressing the panic button via the keypad not setting siren off on Camera’s

Hi there,

Those who have the Alarm system will know there’s 3 buttons. Fire, panic and Medical. Now my question is around the panic button.
When pressing this either by the App(at the top right) or by holding down the panic button on the Keypad. this only sets off the siren box and the keypad siren. I’ve got 4 other devices that have built in sirens but these don’t alarm for some reason? Surely panic alarm should set off everything with a speaker? Surely that should of been thought of in the idea of a panic button right?

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! The Siren should sound for all Alarm compatible sirens including Linked Cameras. Please ensure the connection to all devices mentioned are sufficient, by checking the device health section of the Ring app.

As you mentioned trying the Panic event from the app, button, and Keypad, these were great steps to cover. i’ve shared this with our teams here to take a closer look. Feel free to also reach out to our support team for more in-depth troubleshooting. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.

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