Pet Tag Sharings

We have a Ring pet tag on our dog, however, it seems that multiple users cannot have the same tag. I chatted with Ring support, who confirmed that the tags are limited to a single Neighbors user.

It would be ideal to be able to share the tag (and pet profile) with other users in the same household. I.e. so that myself or my wife could mark a pet missing, get notifications, etc. for that pet.

Just ran into the same issue with our dog this is a very strange oversight on their part. I hope they will fix it

Seriously annoying that my spouse and dog sitters given shared access don’t have access to see and take action on pets. Every moment counts when a pet is lost. The quicker you can get the message out, the greater likelihood someone nearby will find your pet. Forcing shared users to have to contact the account owner wastes precious time. Please add this feature as soon as possible.