Alexa Greetings vs Quick Replies

is this available on PH already? I have Doorbell Pro2

Hi… any news on when the UK will have Alexa Greetings?

Why oh why only US and Canada? I live in Finland. Don’t you have the same application for iOS with localizations texts? Then push firmware update. What is the issue here? Very annoying…

@Riley_Ring - I have the Ring Video Doorbell Elite. I do have the option in the Ring App for Alexa Greetings. It doesn’t work when I enable it, choose the Response Time and add Delivery Assistance. So that brings 2 questions:

  1. Why is it Ring Video Doorbell Pro only? I have the more expensive version and it’s missing features that the cheaper model has??! That hardly seems right!
  2. If it’s really only available for the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, why does the feature show up in my App when the app should know I have the Elite version?

Does that mean it’s still rolling out and coming soon for the Ring Elite?

Hi @grtessman. Alexa Greetings is only available for the Ring Video Doorbell Pro at this time. Are you specifically seeing the option for Alexa Greetings under your Doorbell Elite’s settings, or is it the Quick Replies option? The Quick Replies feature is available on the Doorbell Elite, which you should see under the Smart Responses tile on your Doorbell’s device profile page.

When is Alexa Smart reponses coming to the UK ? I just upgraded my doorbell to the Pro 2 from the wired and didn’t realise this feature is being withheld from UK customers - it looks like it was released to the U.S. over a year ago now… very disappointed :frowning:

They don’t seem to care about anything other than the US!