Feature Request Board

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Separate settings per Motion Zone including recording and notifications
I’d like the ability to set notification per zone vs whole camera. My use case is based on the new police request feature. I have two cameras that face the road. I want to be able to set a zone that records motion, but not notifies me of it. Right now if I increase my zone to cover the road, I get 100+ notifications a day as people and cars go by, so my zone is set just to the edge of my property. That way I get notified if anyone comes on to my property. However, the police have this new feature where they can request ring users to check their cams if they need assistance with crimes, abductions, etc. since I’m forced to only set my zone to edge of my property, I wouldn’t have any footage of the road if requested. I’d like to be able to set a zone on the road that records, but doesn’t notify. Then a zone that covers my property that records AND notifies. You already have multi-zone capabilities. Just move the records and notification settings to the zone setup.




13-05-2020 09:56:52

Responses (247)

It would be great to have the ability to customize the motion settings for each new motion zone you create, along with the ability to have those zones be automatically activated on a schedule. For example I have a default zone that picks up just people coming to the door. It would be great to be able to set a new “Nighttime” zone that covers a much broader area (including sidewalks, streets, etc.) and have the motion settings be set to pick up all motion, not just people. This zone could also be set on a schedule (similar to how the motion schedule is set up to snooze alerts).


02-04-2020 07:31:00

This surely must be a simple feature to create? It would help me so much and make the the ring devices even smarter, as my neighbours and I share a driveway, so during the day I want that zone turned off otherwise I would get a lot of unwanted motion alerts, but at night, it would be great if the motion zone would authomatically turn on?


15-06-2020 09:34:35

It would be really nice if one motion zone would automatically record and alert and then a second or third motion zone would only record motion events. This way I could set a zone in my yard that would record and alert me and then a second zone on the street would only record and wouldn't bug me everytime a car passes by but you would still have a recording of the traffic in case police need to see the cars that went by the house. Thanks for your consideration.


16-04-2020 07:03:42

I have been digging through the internet to find this feature on the Ring app and quite dissapointed to find that it's not possible! Given that it is not continually recording, this would be extremely helpful as our car is parked on a (very busy) street so our motion zone has excluded from this. However would love to see this feature come alive IN CASE something were to happen to our car.


28-04-2020 11:55:05

I second that e-motion! (pun intended) Seriously though. I've had multiple opportunities to help neighbors/police with an incident within the field of view of my camera, but since it's along the sidewalk where I do not have a motion zone set, I did not have the footage recorded. Setting a motion zone on the sidewalk, set only to record, and not alert would be HUGE! I tried a motion alert along the sidewalk for a week - but had so many alerts that I stopped paying attention to them. (defeats the purpose) I'd like alerts when someone enters my property for safety/security of my family - but also be able to provide recorded footage to those around me when needed. Ring, please help. Thank you.


04-05-2020 10:49:39

Need to have motion zones for Stick Up Cam HD Plugin/Solar just like the Ring Doorbell Pro. This way I don't have to get notified for every car that goes by my house. Each zone should have its own record/alert settings. Thanks


19-04-2020 12:44:21

Definitely this. I was disapointed to learn the Stick Up Cams do not have the same level of motion zone control as the Ring Doorbells.


29-04-2020 01:52:31

Yes, the floodlight and doorbell have customizable zones but the spotlight and stick-up only seem to have static zones for front/left/right. Would be great to be able to exclude areas such as the street or a wavy tree from triggering alerts and recordings.


03-05-2020 05:42:41

I would like to suggest the possibility of setting different time schedules for separate motion zones. For example...record all motion in zone A, but only record motion in zone B during a set time period.


20-04-2020 03:26:19

This surely must be a simple feature to create? It would help me so much and make the the ring devices even smarter, as my neighbours and I share a driveway, so during the day I want that zone turned off otherwise I would get a lot of unwanted motion alerts, but at night, it would be great if the motion zone would authomatically turn on?


15-06-2020 09:35:39

In advanced settings for the security camera there's a way to set a motion schedule to pause motion notifications for the camera on a specific day and time. I would like to be able to set a motion notification pause of a specific zone within a security camera. The camera settings in the app can have multiple zones for notifications. I have three zones configured on my driveway camera. One of the zones covers my garage door. I would like one zone automatically paused during the day but active at night. This way when I'm walking in and out of my garage during the day I'm not constantly setting off the notification. I realize I can manually snooze the camera or disable a zone. I would like the pause or sleep to happen on an automatic schedule.


07-05-2020 03:39:08

My exact thought, I have a lot of car and pedestrian traffic during the day and would Like to be able to shut off the street motion zone during the day, but would like that zone on at night. just think about the server traffic savings :)


28-05-2020 03:56:44

This surely must be a simple feature to create? It would help me so much and make the the ring devices even smarter, as my neighbours and I share a driveway, so during the day I want that zone turned off otherwise I would get a lot of unwanted motion alerts, but at night, it would be great if the motion zone would authomatically turn on?


15-06-2020 09:37:15

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