Video Doorbell will not charge

I am using the correct USB cord (tried a few- which while tested on other devices works fine) the door bell does not charge when I connect it (using the Orange USB that came with unit.

I have Tried for 2 weeks to get the Video Doorbell ito charge.

no pulsing BLUE light to indicate it is charging after 48 hours still nothing.

Tried other cords etc but had the same result.

Any ideas?


Leonard R Dively

Hi there, @LeonardDively48! Good job trying out other charging cables and outlets. Please also ensure there is not debris in the charging port on the battery/ Doorbell. After charging the Video Doorbell battery for several hours, if the battery level still did not increase, please try a reset on your device. Hold down the Video Doorbell setup button for 20 seconds to successfully reset it.

If this concern persists, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 here to see how to contact support.

What are you plugging the USB cord into (ie what wall charger are you using)?