Night vision not working

I had a ring doorbell pro. It was junk. Ring’s IT department, a wonderful lady named Rose, tried to help me out. She contacted me through Ring Community. Even sent me a corner kit for free. However, just problem after problem with video, going offline even though the doorbell was hardwired, and door bell ringing properly. I never did any serious research on the doorbell. However, I did research on a ring spotlight cam battery. I’ve had it up now for several months and have had zero problems with the device. Only complaint is, the night vision isn’t the greatest unless the spotlight is on. But still no problems at all with the night vision.

Re: Night vision not working

Re: Night vision not working

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Same here

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Mine also suddenly stop working after 3 months, any help?

I have had ring2. Worked perfectly for months. Now nighttime vision is dark and can’t see who is coming to door. Got doorbell changed and made no difference! The whole idea of getting this system was to protect my house when I’m not there.
Don’t think it’s the fault of the doorbell. Ring must have changed software. Not impressed!

I have ring doorbell 3 and I can’t seem to get the night vision on the camera at all there is no option at all for me to change this. Can anyone assist

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Mine doesn’t work at night either despite the fact we have a searchlight that comes on when someone approaches. I see the light come on but the video doesn’t come on. As we bought this to catch the person who is vandalising our property at night this is very frustrating.

My night vision never worked, but every once in a while I could see a few seconds where it did work. They first told me my brick was too close to it but when I saw that it actually could work a few seconds, I called back. After being sent 3 new devices, actually one was a refurbished that never connected so I asked for a brand new one, which they sent another refurbished I didn’t even open, finally sent a new one which connected fine but no night vision still, I put the electrical tape over the red leds and I now have working night vision! thank you so much! I don’t understand it, and honestly almost didn’t try it, but since I have a whole Ring set up I didn’t want to buy a different company doorbell. This has been very frustrating since April.

Hi neighbors! Night Vision quality will often have to do with connection, lighting, nearby obstructions in view, and even power with some devices. Check out our Help Center article for tips on troubleshooting Night Vision on your Ring devices. Some Ring devices have the Color Night Vision feature which is great to try depending on lighting. We’ve seen neighbors share success with adding more lighting to the area in general, or changing the angle of view slightly to avoid obstructions. I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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