Motion Playback

Motion clips do not play on my computer.

Opera 36 running on Windows XP Pro.

Other features seem to work, nothing happens when I click to play a Motion Event.

Any suggestions or explanations ?

Hi @ElderTimer. Is this from within the Opera browser, or are you using the Windows app? Please ensure you have no VPN enabled when you are trying to view any history or content on the website, as this may affect if you’re able to view the video or not. In addition, do Live View videos playback? Are you able to test if another browser works for you? Do the videos play back on the mobile app?

Same here for stick up cam. It’s like the device is not on a paid protect plan. Called tech support, they said it was the internet—which it’s not it plays live just fine. Magically they started to allow playback when on phone with them. Now happening again and customer service refuses to resolve and told me to waste another hour on the phone with tech support. I’m getting a suspicion this is a business practice to keep the size/cost of their data servers—cut people’s devices off recording while they lay, then reconnect when they’re angry enough to waste an hour on with tech support to reconnect. Considering BBB or attorneys general complaint.