Checking device health from Win10 app

That is great news! I am now able to access the Device Health on my PC; however, I was fortunate that I did not have to update my version of Ring.

I am going to look into the app you updated and possibly download it but as of now, my Device Health is now working properly with my current version of Ring.

Microsoft Store on Windows can automatically install app updates. Select the Start screen, then select Microsoft Store. In Microsoft Store at the upper right, select the account menu (the three dots) and then select Settings. Under App updates, set Update apps automatically to On.

Are u talking about your computer or the ring app ??

app-pgman, the Ring app, not the PC.

I was referring to my PC computer windows 10. I did not have to download the Ring app again for my Device Health to operate properly.

It is working fine as I am sending you this message.

Great news! The Divice Health is now working great on my PC computer.

That’s because Ring issued an update to the Ring app. This fixed issue.

Any update on the freezing issue? Cleared data, uninstall, reinstall several times no changes. At this point my cams are useless.

So the the Ring app freezes when u are checking ‘Device Health’ ?

No, after 45 seconds in Live View and an activation viewing I get a beep, beep, beep then a freeze up with The error code is 0x80131500.

Do u have any problems when using your cell phone in ‘Live View’?

Are Cams Battery or wired?

Is your subscription paid ?

Have u cleared the history?

Updated to the latest v2.4.16 from “microsoft store” and am still getting “Something went wrong - error code is 0x80131500” so it seems that this fix works for some but not all. I noticed that both my IOS and via HTTPS acces works but the Windows app doesn’t.

Also I turned on the two-step access and seem to be getting continuous ring verification codes on my iPhone even after I’ve used it and am able to gain access, Why?

No problem with cell phone.

Cams are wired.

All paid up.

History, data cleared.

I use my laptop throughout the day to monitor my cams.


Do u get the audio 3 beeps when u stream video from other scources…utube etc…or is it happening only ring app?

Are u using your laptop from home or at other remote places?


When u open Microsoft store app and click on the 3 dots, click on downloads and updates and find RING app…what is the modified date far right column?

And as for the two step verfi. thats how it works …everytime u log in u need to verfi…


Only on the Ring app.

Laptop at home.

Mine starting doing this today. This camera always seems to act up when I actually need it. Pretty sure it will be my last Ring product.

Is this still not fixed? I got the update today and it is still not working.

Mine is now working fine, and so is the app on the mobile, which is always better than the laptop. It believe that this was fixed a good month ago. I can only suggest, and I am no computer whizkid, that you uninstall the W10 app and reload. Frustrating but it might just solve the problem. This is a guess, however.

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Not working here, was working a couple weeks ago, no update available either.