Ring Alarm
Ring Alarm (2nd gen) lost all power
Hi all, I have been using my 2nd gen ring alarm system for a little over 2 years now. However, since two days ago the main station has powered itself on and off, going into battery only mode, and now does nothing anymore. The blue or red led ring does no longer appear, the voltage or wireless lights do not light up, and my ring app can no longer localize the base station. First I thought it might be a lose battery, but this all looked fine (no corrosion either and it was still connected. I thought it could be the adapter so I changed it with another, but no success there either. Did it die on me? How? I have only been using it for a little over 2 years... Anyone any ideas how I can fix it? Kind regards, mol
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09-01-2025 08:09:15
Reacties (1)
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Hi, thank you for posting on our community. To be able to properly undergo all the settings and additional troubleshooting, we would like to suggest contacting our customer service directly. The phone number can be found here. http://ring.com/callus
13-01-2025 07:34:37