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Dear Ring Team, I actually intended to renew my Basic subscription (€39) as usual, but I believe there has been a mistake. Therefore, I would like to cancel this. I only want to renew my Basic subscription and do not wish to switch to another plan.I would be very grateful if you could assist me with this matter. Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards,
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09-12-2024 12:51:48
Reacties (1)
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Hello, thank you for writing to us on Ring Community. Please, for the safety of your private data which is your address, edit your message and delete the part of it. In order to change your subscription, you can either do it through your Ring Account on the Ring.com webpage, not Ring App, or you can call in with our customer service. Here you can find the page with all the numbers for Europe. https://ring.com/gb/en/support/contact-us/call/europe
11-12-2024 12:33:59