neighborhood notifications

Hi @bevhoward! After looking over additional Android information, it looks like Android has some unique options for alert tones due to it’s operating system features. While you may still be able to choose tones for Ring devices in the app, as you shared, the Neighbors section of your Ring app seems not to. Thank you for sharing the image example!

Rather than accessing Neighbors by Ring via the Ring app, please visit your app store and download the Neighbors by Ring application. When downloaded as a separate application, you may have additional options, whether through the Neighbors app itself or within Android settings, as this method would separate the Neighbors app from the Ring app.

If this still does not present options to differentiate tones, whether in the app or on your mobile device, feel free to add a request in our Feature Request board. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. :slight_smile: