is ring pro doorbell compatible with nutone LA174

ring doorbell pro and Nutone LA174 compatibility?

Hi @gssahani! Smart move on checking on the compatibility of your chime kit, this is often overlooked! After checking in our Chime Compatibility List, it does look like the NuTone LA174 is not compatible. You could wire your Ring Pro Direct To Transformer or you can Bypass your chime kit altogether. The alternative to these would be to purchase a chime kit that is compatible. Let me know if you have anymore questions about hardwiring your Ring Pro!


What would your recommendation be to use another chime. We are using this chime (nutone LA174WH) for 3 doors.


Hey @gssahani. Chiming in for Tom here! I recommend looking at that Chime Compatibility list that Tom linked for you, and you can swap out your current chime kit for any of the ones that are listed as compatible for the Doorbell Pro. :slight_smile: