Ring doorbell not charging

Hi neighbor - If you take a look at the Guidelines, you’ll notice this is not a support channel. This is a neighbor-to-neighbor forum offering guidance and assistance with your device. I suggest calling support or assisting us with figuiring out the problem. If you truly believe it is firmware, then show us. Filing a Class Action Lawsuit and not abiding by the Community Guidelines gets us no where. What does get us somewhere, and information we can deliver to the team, is information such as:

  • When did you first start to notice this

-What device is this on?

  • What are the current temperatures where you live – as mentioned COLD WEATHER can take a toll on your battery life

  • If you use your device inside, is this still the case?

-I’ve noticed neighbors saying ‘when my device was updated’ – can you go into detail? What update happened? Keep in mind an APP update and device update are completely different

Again, as is is winter cold weather does affect your device, so do multiple items such as RSSI, multiple notifications, etc.