Ring 2 audio problems

I have exact the same issues as described above!

New Ring Door View Cam - very less doorbell speaker volume not suitable for daily use!

Maqy I guess that you use a Samsung mobile?

If yes, proceed!!

The clue is: My problem startet after activating the new “event timeline viewer” in the app. Before the audio at the door cam was much louder.

This seems to be a samsung specific problem, and there exists at least on temporary solution (which imprives the speaker volume a lot, but not as much as it should be).

see here in the samsung forums they are discussing the issue here:


The fix is on the bottom of page 3 and following.

This audio problem is due to how samsung handles the microphone processing, and a change RING did with introducing the “event history timeline” feature. turn this new feature off in the RING app and the audio is much improved!!

I think whats going on is the following:

ring app uses different microphone API (or audio interface) settings if you are using the app with or without the timeline viewer. with the viewer, some of the newer Samsung phones have problems in microphone processing, maybe due to the two mics for noise cancellation. The “old” RING interface uses an other method of getting the phones microphone input as the new RING rinterface will do.

So the problem relates to RING and Samsung. They both would be able to fix it. Samsung has to work on the noise cancellation, RING app has to be redesigned to use the same audio method as before the new “timeline event viewer”.

Hope this helps, as to figure that out was very stressfull to me, and at least I’m glad that it is not hardeware related and there is a temporary “improvement-fix” (as even with this method the sound is less loud than using a iphone or any other brand, and you lose the comfort of the new timline viewer…)!

A method to check: even on the video recordings the own voice is very low, after disabling the timeline-event viewer the sound in the videos would much improve… This is the proof that the problem comes from the mobile stream which the app delivers!

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